There are just some things in life where others views, ideas, and - TopicsExpress


There are just some things in life where others views, ideas, and comfort just wont help, no matter how much they may love us there are such painful experiences that cut us so deep to leave a wound that just wont heal, a wound that keeps you too restless to sleep...nor having the desire to open your eyes to a new day. .............. I can only speak from my own experience, and I know that mine are pretty shallow compared to some of yours, but regardless, as most have I have lost loved ones in my life, both to death, and broken relationships, and I can tell you with every fiber of my being that the one foundational truth I know is the existence of God, and His ability and desire to reach me where I was even when I had no desire to know anything about Him. ... You see, prior to this happening, this whole God/Jesus thing was something I had somewhat respected, but honestly had way too much living to do to become religious.,,,..well, later on I did become a Believer, found out that this faith in Jesus thing had nothing to do with religion and its man-made trappings, but that true Christianity is by faith alone, faith alone in the God of all creation dwelling in all His fullness in Jesus Christ...The Son Of God. ...... Imagine if you can the position of an Almighty Creator who desires to make Himself known to a people He Himself created, to make His Love and kindness known to the whole world, to reveal His Holiness, Righteousness, and Love for them enough to show them their true condition of sinfulness and separation from Him and the judgment that it requires; thus Jesus was born. ......A baby born, in a stable of animals and no doubt filthy with manure, cold, and in the hands of a young Jewish girl....this is how the God of all creation stepped out of Eternity and into our world, to live as God is, to die as sin requires, and to come alive in His resurrection only as God can. ...And in the same way my simple belief in this brought me out of a spiritually dead life into a new life (Born-Again) with the truth knowing the Salvation and promise of eternity..and never to be judged in sin. .... There are so many unanswered things in this world, reasons as to why terrible things in our lives happen, and believing in and accepting Christ as your Savior doesnt guarantee youll get immediate answers or any defined answers at all, the Lord knows it all and has seen it all, and if given to and put in His hands can do as He choses, and He choses more than anything to draw you closer to Himself and the comfort of His loving presence. ....Psalm 34:18 The Lord comforts the brokenhearted, and saves those of a humble spirit.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:42:09 +0000

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