There are lots of dangerous dieting styles out there. The Atkins - TopicsExpress


There are lots of dangerous dieting styles out there. The Atkins diet is maybe the most dangerously unhealthy. The diet works by starving your body of vitamins by eating meat and nothing else whatsoever. With a massive influx of minerals from the meat and zero vitamins from vegetables the body can no longer absorb starch so begins to function on starch that is still in your digestive system and not starch stored as fat in the body. Unfortunately this is simply making you unhealthy so you lose weight and once you go back to eating vegetables the weight explodes back on because your body needed it so badly and it was basically life threatening. If the Atkins diet is maintained and your body fat drops below 2 per cent of your total weight then your blood becomes so thin you can n o longer oxyginate your basic vital functions such as breathing and you die in an extremely unpleasant way, although you would be in extreme pain for a long time before that point.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:44:44 +0000

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