There are many claims being made in the media & on social - TopicsExpress


There are many claims being made in the media & on social networks, but it seems the closer I get to credible sources, the less certainty there is about what may have led to Sgt Bergdahl leaving his post. & what may have happened to lead to his capture. the only thing that is clear is that clarity will not come very quickly in this matter. we can all let this simmer on the back burner for a bit while we harp on Ruben Amaro & his dismantling of the WS Champion Philadelphia Phillies. -------------------------------------------- nytimes/2014/06/06/opinion/demonizing-sergeant-bergdahl.html?action=click&contentCollection=Opinion®ion=Footer&module=MoreInSection&pgtype=article And a classified military report shows that Sergeant Bergdahl had walked away from assigned areas at least twice before and had returned, according to a report in The Times on Thursday. It describes him as a free-spirited young man who asked many questions but gave no indication of being a deserter, let alone the turncoat that Mr. Obama’s opponents are now trying to create. If anything, the report suggests that the army unit’s lack of security and discipline was as much to blame for the disappearance, given the sergeant’s history. Thousands of soldiers desert during every war, including 50,000 American soldiers during World War II. As many as 4,000 a year were absent without leave for extended periods during the Iraq war. They leave for a variety of reasons, including psychological trauma, but whatever their mental state, it is the military’s duty to get them back if they are taken prisoner. That’s what the Obama administration did in this case, and there was a particular sense of urgency because a video showed that Sergeant Bergdahl’s life might be in danger. But the critics seeking political advantage don’t care about the life or mental state of a particular soldier, or of a principle of loyalty that should provide comfort to any soldier in danger of capture. They live only for the attack.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 18:21:28 +0000

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