There are many folks who believe unless a Preacher is very loud - TopicsExpress


There are many folks who believe unless a Preacher is very loud and moves around a lot, he is not a very good preacher. Some other folks believe unless a Preacher has a Seminary Degree, he is not able to be an effective and productive Preacher. There are even folks who say unless a Preacher can present a 3 or 4 point Sermon, he will never be successful in the Ministry. Pulpit Committees and/ or Search Committees many times seek council from well known Preachers or Pastors who have a reputation of being successful. They ask for guidelines that will help them solicit Resumes which will fit some of the qualities they would love to have in an Evangelist, Preacher or Pastor. All you will get from other Preachers and Pastors is what they think has made them successful and popular. They will never recommend to you anything that they do not follow themselves. Lets be honest here. Some of these so called Men of God, I would not cross the street to hear them and what they have to say in a so called Sermon. Many of these men never preach the Gospel in their own Churches. I have heard countless stories form people who shook the Preachers hand, signed a members card and was baptized and later on went to a Bible believing, Gospel preaching, Spirit filled Church and was convicted in their heart and soul and accepted Christ when they prayed and asked HIM to save them. May I say to you today, the only way a person can be saved is to be drawn by Gods Holy Spirit and confess to Him his desire and need to be forgiven of his sin and then accept the Salvation which Christ offers him. I 1Cor 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. 1Cr 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. So understand. It does not matter if a Preacher hollers, shouts, jumps or stands still, what does matter is the substance of his message. It does not matter if he is handsome, plain, big or small. What matters is that he preaches the Gospel and that means Christ came, lived a perfect life, gave his body and life on the cross, shed his blood, died and was resurrected on the third day, ascended into Heaven and is our intercessor between God and man. He is the only way to eternal life in Heaven and without him the lake of fire awaited all, all, all who will not accept him. By the way, you dont have to be a Preacher to tell someone the Gospel Story. So you do not have to be a Degreed Minister in order to lead souls to Christ. Therefore you do not have to be Degreed to Preach or Pastor. Would to God the saved of God would really get to the place in their lives where they are Gospel friendly, sinner friendly and open their mouths and tell everyone the Real Bible Gospel Story.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 00:11:10 +0000

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