There are many reasons that you might be learning a language, but - TopicsExpress


There are many reasons that you might be learning a language, but by far the most common is to be able to speak with native speakers. Being able to have comfortable conversations in another language is one of the things that gives great enjoyment and satisfaction. So, what enables you to keep your standards high? It isnt an easy question to answer, because there are many contributing factors. So, instead, I thought: what would be one thing, that if it got taken away, I would be lost. The answer was clear. Regular, ongoing opporunities to speak with native speakers. If speaking is your ultimate aim, you shouldnt wait before starting to speak. The idea that you should study first, speak later (when youre ready) is a fallacy, and whatsmore, its dangerous. Of course study is valuable and necessary, but How do you expect to learn to speak your target language if youre not currently speaking? Study just isnt enough. Speaking a foreign language is a skill like any other: playing the piano, doing a handstand, parenting. You cant learn it without doing it. ALL courses at have speakeasy sessions led by a native speaker as standard! A complete language learning system.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 09:45:01 +0000

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