There are many things we can do to try to become less selfish and - TopicsExpress


There are many things we can do to try to become less selfish and more sensitive to others. One way, is that whenever you are in a store call to see if your spouse needs anything. Even if you do not think that your spouse needs anything from that store, by calling you are conveying the message that he/she is important to you and that you are interested in his/her needs. Another method is to get ourselves in the habit of saying “thank you.” Selfish people are too busy caring about themselves to thank others for their help and kindness. Accustoming ourselves to give thanks will have the effect of not only making the people around us feel good, but will also remind us of the kindness we have been shown by others. Furthermore, ask your family members how their day was, and really listen and show that you are interested in their response. You will be amazed how much you will learn about your loved ones, create a closer relationship and develop your attribute of compassion. Additionally, it’s a nice thing to try to do some kind of volunteer work, to engage in some activity that benefits other people. There are many worthy organizations and institutions that need manpower so they can do their wonderful work. Selfish people often expect too much and then feel disappointed and short-changed. By becoming more sensitive, caring people, we in effect bring greater joy and fulfillment to ourselves and to others, and help make our homes and the world a much happier and more pleasant place to live.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 05:19:35 +0000

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