There are many things wrong with the CARRIE remake: here are the - TopicsExpress


There are many things wrong with the CARRIE remake: here are the worst offenses: 1. It was not an adaptation of the book, it was a remake of Brian DePalmas classic horror film (which is one of the greatest american horror movies ever made). This is offensive because you cant improve on the original, but you could have stuck more to the book and brought me a different experience. 2. The Sue character was NOT a saint as she is shown in this remake. She threw the tampons like everybody else and it wasnt until she learned that her actions have consequences that she feels bad and wants to make things right. In this remake she stops throwing tampons (and makes a big deal about it later, like that clears her of the original act) and immediately comes to Carries aid with the gym teacher. 3. The prom scene. Heres the briefest way I can put this. In the original, and the book, Carries rage is ugly and she kills everyone (one of the most traumatizing shot in a movie from my childhood was the shock and horror I felt when Carrie cut the gym teacher in half) at the prom. This is important, because the original Carrie is NOT a superhero, she snaps and everyone (deserving or not) was killed. The original does not glorify the violence, or her revenge. Its big, its ugly, it is out of her control. In the remake, she saves the gym teacher and the majority of the students live. The message here is that revenge is good, revenge is justified, revenge works. And it doesnt, the original relays that message. The remake glorifies her actions, and that is a dangerous message. A VERY dangerous message. Yes, there were some good things about the first 75 minutes, the internet shaming aspect is very relatable to todays audience and works. Julliane Moore is very good, Chloe does an okay job, but her switch is nowhere near as interesting and profound as Sissy Spaceks. My advice. Save yourself the $12 and stay at home, fire up the Netflix, and watch the original DePalma version, it is immensely better on every level. And you cant improve on perfection. Get a clue Hollywood.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 07:12:36 +0000

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