There are many times when Muslims will accuse Christians that we - TopicsExpress


There are many times when Muslims will accuse Christians that we have corrupted the Bible or that we have changed the truth about Jesus Christ. But what does the Quran say about Jesus Christ? What does the Quran say about the Bible? I want us to look at some few quotations straight from the Quran and ask our Muslim friends to think well about what Islam originally said about these things. Friends, I psalm do not seek useless debate or angry responses, only a thoughtful and careful reflection upon the truth. All men want to go to heaven. Therefore, let us reason well and let God speak for himself. The Quran says in Sura 2:62 (Al- Baqara) - Believers, Jews, Christians and Sabaeans - whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does what is right - shall be rewarded by their Lord; they have nothing to fear or regret. The Bible says in John 8:32 - You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. JESUS CHRIST Sura 3:45 (Al-Imran) - The angels said to Mariam (Mary): Allah bids you rejoice in a Word from Him. His name is al-Masih (Messiah), Isa the son of Mariam. He shall be noble in this world and in the next, and shall be favored by Allah. When the angel appeared to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus, he said in Sura 19:19 (Mariam) - I am the messenger of your Lord, he replied, and have come to give you a holy son. Notice that Jesus is called a holy son, this means without fault or sin. Sura 10:34 (Yunus) - Say: Can any of your partners (associate-gods) produce a creation, then reproduce it? Allah produces a creation, then reproduces it. Only God can create and give life. Let us continue with Sura 3:49 (AI-Imran) - (Jesus is speaking) I bring you a sign from your Lord. From clay, I will make for you the likeness of a bird. I shall breathe into it and, by Allahs leave, it shall become a living bird. By Allahs leave, I shall give sight to the blind man, heal the leper and raise the dead to life. It is only the Lord Jesus Christ who can do such things and by the Qurans own standard this identifies Jesus as the one with divine power and authority. Jesus Christ is the only prophet in the Quran who does not confess his sins. There is a tradition in the Hadith (the record of the Prophet Mohammeds sayings and actions not recorded in the Quran) that says: Abu Huraira reported Allahs messenger as saying, There is none among the sons of Adam who is born but not touched by Satan at the time of his birth. So he cried loudly because of Satans touch. But this is not the case with Mary and her son. (Agreed upon) Remember in Sura 19:19 Jesus is called the holy son, without sin, faultless, pure and righteous by his own nature. Sura 4:171 (Al-Nisa) - Al-Masih (Messiah), Isa (Jesus) the son of Mariam, was no more than Allahs apostle and His Word which He bestowed on Mariam, and a spirit proceeding from Him. Jesus is the Spirit of God (Ruhull-llah) and the Word of God. Moses is called Gods spokesman in the Quran, and Abraham is called the friend of God while Muhammed is called the messenger of God - only Jesus Christ is called the Spirit and Word of God. Does this not mean that the teachings of Jesus need to be carefully studied from the Bible? Jesus Christ is pronounced holy and sinless in Islam, but the Prophet Muhammed often confessed his sins - Suras 40:55; 47:19; 48:2. Listen to Muhammeds own confession in Sum 46:9 (Al-Ahqaf) - Say, I am no prodigy (marvel or special one) among the apostles; nor do I know what will he done with me or you. I follow only what is revealed to me, and my only duty is to give plain warning. Prophet Muhammed confessed his own inability to know the end of his work or to know the fate of his followers. In strong contrast to this, please note carefully the words of the Quran in Sura 3:55 (Al-Imran) - Allah said, Isa (Jesus), I am about to cause your term on earth to end and lift you up to Me. I shall take you away from those who disbelieve and exalt your followers above them till the Day of Resurrection. God says that the followers of Jesus will be exalted until the Day of Resurrection! Has that day come yet? NO. Therefore, Jesus is worthy of being followed and his followers are honored by God just as Jesus is. HALLELUJAH - PRAISE BE TO HIS HOLY NAME! If you are a true follower of Jesus Christ according to His Holy teachings, then you have full assurance of salvation in the last day (Romans 8:1). Also please note, that Sura 3:55 says I am about to cause your term on earth to end. The Arabic here says, Inim wuta wafika which literally means, I will cause you to die. Also in Sura 19:33 (Mariam) Jesus is quoted as saying, So peace be on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die; and may peace be upon me on the day when I shall be raised to life. Praise be to the one God, the Quran even bears testimony to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! Since there is full assurance given to those who follow Jesus Christ for their salvation (Sura 3:55), what else does the Quran say about the Christians? Throughout the Quran, Allah is praised as the Merciful and Compassionate. Let us look at Sura 57:27 (Al-Hadid) - We sent other apostles, and after those Isa the son of Mariam. We gave him the Gospel and put compassion and mercy in the hearts of his followers. Look at how the followers of Jesus are regarded by Allah. Compassion and mercy in our hearts as followers of Jesus Christ! We must turn to His teachings in the Bible to learn the fill truth about Jesus Christ and what it means to be his follower.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 19:10:28 +0000

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