There are many ways of elevating ourselves and saying I am better - TopicsExpress


There are many ways of elevating ourselves and saying I am better than you while pretending that we are elevating God. Looking through posts from a few years ago, I cringe at who I was. Self-proclaimed queen of heaven instead of a mere servant submitted to the King of kings. I am glad that I know the truth, unlike some people. I am sure happy that I am keeping Gods feasts, instead of those pagan man-made ones. I am so grateful that I know the correct way of saying Gods name! I am so blessed that my family is on the real calendar. None of these statements magnify God, they magnified me. They placed me up high and others down low. Anyone who agrees with me becomes worthy, and anyone who disagrees with me is deceived. I, and not God, was the standard of right and wrong and that is no longer thankfulness but arrogance. Think about it - what function do any of those statements serve. Did they reach out to the lost, or teach the unwillfully ignorant? Did they promote Gods word or my own interpretation of it? You know what I am grateful about now? That when I say something like that, He smacks me down hard and fast and doesnt let me fool myself as to my true intentions. I am glad He is on top of me policing my arrogant butt. I am glad that He communicates to me when I have crossed the line and that when I dont want to listen He keeps pestering me about it. But am I proud of knowing the truth when others dont? No, I am grieved that we all (including me) are only walking in shadows of the truth. I am grateful for what He has given me, but I know it wasnt given out of merit but out of His mercy. I am grateful to know about His feasts and about what is unacceptable to Him - I am so grateful for them that I dont spend much time thinking about pagan ones or the people who keep them, except that I hope that someday they wont anymore. I am grateful that I have a way of saying Gods Name, but I will not presume that it is correct, even though I hear it in my dreams because so do a lot of other people, with different pronunciations. I am glad that my family has a calendar to follow, so that we can celebrate with our King to the best of our ability and do our best to rejoice with Him and show our loyalty to His Covenant. Once we realize that everything is about Covenant loyalty, we find other things to be important. Am I honoring Him with my behavior? Can I do better? How do I become more like Him? How do I make Him my focus instead of my opinions about the minute legalities? Is it more important to represent His character, His justice, righteousness and mercy, or to have hard-core merciless doctrinal opinions about things that cannot be proven and therefore call for extreme humility? Am I reciprocating the gifts of His grace 30 fold or 100 fold? Oh I should have kept my mouth shut because I had nothing worth saying for all too long.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:23:33 +0000

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