There are many ways to use philosophy, psychology, sociology, - TopicsExpress


There are many ways to use philosophy, psychology, sociology, communications theory, and the basic tenets of scientific research to seek for a THEORY OF THE NATURE OF WHAT TRUTH IS, AND TRUTH SEEKING... But I find that - in this world in which no one man or woman can know everything - the definition of Truth is very, very simple: Truth is defined, simply and accurately, as all knowledge that stems from the undeniable nature of universally experienced physics, in the absence of deception. _____ TRUTH - 1st PRINCIPLE Truth is all that we can agree upon, if we do so in the absence of deception. _____ A culture of valuing full disclosure, regarding all events and phenomena that can be defined or verified, even if they have not yet been defined nor verified is in the common good. Even more in the common good is a culture that acknowledges shared constructs versus shared truths. Religion is comprised of shared Constructs for example, yet we still acknowledge that it is such, and requires faith, whereas shared Truth requires proof that can bridge construct-based conceptual obstacles, such as those that often separate cultures. ______ TRUTH - 2nd PRINCIPLE All Truth can be shared in the form of communicative Constructs, BUT not all Constructs consist of Truth. ______ This is why Constructivism, just like ANY HEGEMONIC SYSTEM or any other system of false-truth parading itself monolithically, is inherently SELF-DEFEATING... as over time, scrutiny and new ideas can all collapse the house of conceptual constructivist cards. ______ TRUTH - 3rd PRINCIPLE Systems of belief that are based on hegemony or tautology can be disintegrated with Truth, but systems of belief based on Truth cannot be disintegrated with antagonistic tautology or hegemony. ________ Systems of belief based on Truth can only be valuated by the mores of Global Culture so as to be considered beneficial or dangerous to Society. Truth is not always good, but it is always true... Such as the dystopian nightmare of The Singularity. Truth can Guide us, but hegemony cannot. MOST IMPORTANTLY - A HEGEMONY THAT APPEARS TO BE BASED ON SCIENTIFIC TRUTH IS THE SINGLE MOST DANGEROUS THREAT TO MODERN GLOBAL SOCIETY. ____ TRUTH - 4th PRINCIPLE ==> THE FUTURE OF PROTECTING TRUTH BY JOINING THE PUBLIC TO AN UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, AND PROVIDING A CENTRALIZED SINGLE DATABASE.... In a world in which everything is communicated via constructs - as even the scientific process is a construct even though it is the only constructivist system designed for discovering and sharing truth, a universal guidebook is needed that employs laymens language. We need a form of global assurance that the nature of truth is protected, even and especially when dealing with scientific Truth. This is just one idea of how to begin. A SIMPLE PROPOSAL TO PREVENT HEGEMONY AND THE LOSS OF TRUTH, AND PROTECT THE NECESSITY OF SHARED TRUTH AS CRITICAL TO GLOBAL UNITY AND PEACE: As far as public policy in the new world order is concerned, the conclusion is very simple, if we are attempting to unite truth among the nations and cultures of the world. A new concept of Freedom of Speech is needed that respects the fact that to create a forum in which Free Speech can always be sorted out by culture, to ascertain which speech contains Truth and which contains social constructs. I PROPOSE TWO NEW RIGHTS OF EVERY CITIZEN. A--> Free Speech: to Speak and to Hear B--> The right to know the state of the field for every scientific topic, and have free access to a Global Bibliography of All Academic Articles. A____RIGHTS TO SPEECH RIGHT OF EVERY HUMAN TO FREE SPEECH. >>>>SPEAKING - The right to free speech cannot be prohibited in any circumstance unless it poses an imminent threat to human life (yelling fire in a crowded theater). >>>>HEARING - Conversely, the RIGHT TO HAVE UNLIMITED ACCESS TO ALL SPEECH FREELY SPOKEN BY EVERYONE. This right to find and hear/watch/read ANY free speech spoken in the world must be protected vigilantly. Freedom of Speech MUST be considered a two-way street. Even if speech costs something, from a book to a scientific article, it must be available, and never denied. B____RIGHT TO ACCESS SCIENTIFIC TRUTH RIGHT OF EVERY HUMAN TO KNOW THE **STATE OF THE FIELD** WITH REGARD TO EVERY FIELD OF SCIENCE FOR FREE, AND HAVE ACCESS TO A GLOBAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ALL ARTICLES, CODED UPON THE STATE OF THE FIELD, SPONSORED BY THE U.N. - Much of the scientific world is published in expensive journals, and despite the many attempts to create free open journals, the progress appears slow, and staggered. All scientific articles are available to the public however, but at great cost, and this might continue. What is important for citizens to understand is the difference between a finding (often a single to a few articles, and a kernel of a potentially fruitful idea) and the state of the field for every issue, disputed or not. The state of the field is when a scientific concept or finding is generally agreed upon by all relevant scientists in a specific area of research. In short, it is the first point at which cumulative research into any one area of knowledge can begin to be considered the Truth. The problem to avoid with making all scientific articles free to the public is not the rights of the publishers to make money - THE REAL PROBLEM IS THAT THE PUBLIC HAS A TENDENCY TO REGARD A SINGLE ARTICLE AS TRUTH, BECAUSE IT CARRIES WITH IT THE SOCIAL LEGITIMACY OF SCIENCE, WHEN A SINGLE ARTICLES FINDINGS CAN BE HORRIBLY WRONG, EVEN THOSE IN RESPECTED JOURNALS. I propose that an international database - free to the public - be established to create regular summaries with full bibliographies, for describing the state of the field for every subject in every field, as well as listing findings that challenge the state of any field, or open a new area of research with new ideas. Simply put, this database is an international resource, combining two parts: 1) A hierarchical list of all subjects of research, with SUMMARIES OF THE STATE OF THE FIELD, written in laymens language describing the state of the field, in a searchable and/or expandable tree of topics and subtopics, and newly accepted topics. 2) A Global Bibliography of all known scientific articles, coded for typical search methods, as well as expanding trees, but crucially coded into 2 basic categories: - Cat 1 - State of the Field - Cat 2 - Unreplicated, Challenged, Novel, Debated or Otherwise developing FINDINGS NOT YET CONSIDERED THE STATE OF THE FIELD.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 06:26:23 +0000

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