There are many wonderful things going on in our lives. From all - TopicsExpress


There are many wonderful things going on in our lives. From all accounts of praise reports via texts, facebook updates and our day-to-day interactions, it is obvious that God is blessing and we have all been recipients of His unmerited favor at one point or another. However, there is a little dance that many of us do that we simply must stop. No, I’m not talking about the macarena or the slide or whichever one happens at many wedding receptions. I am talking about the tango that we do with fear. We allow fear to hold us close and dip us ever so gently into a place where we forget that fear is jealous of potential. Fear is slick because it touches the place in us where our vulnerabilities lie. It brings with it our favorite blanket, our comfort food and any thing that puts us in a state of mind that causes us to remain exactly where we are. It plays our favorite music and whispers things like “that’s just too hard don’t worry about trying” and “let someone else step up, that’s just too much work.” Yes, fear has game. It’s like a combination of Jordan, Shaq and Dwayne Wade with a fundamental wisdom, strength and vigor. In other words, it dominates if we let it and has no problem sitting on the bench for a minute because during that time, it studies our every move. CLICK HERE to read more:
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:01:37 +0000

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