There are mentally many more methods of breaking a person down but - TopicsExpress


There are mentally many more methods of breaking a person down but the ones that the enemies use should always be used on them itself. For example if you go to a place to buy something no matter how many times you go in a day it will be closed. At your job your seniors will harass you at their behest and delay your salary by months and even weeks so that you leave or frame and falsify something against you and dismiss you without reason or compensation. They are into human trafficking in a big way but there not enough people to bait,so they will offer you a lucrative job you will join in another country, your passport will be taken away and then you are the mercy of the so called ‘employers’.The y always ensure that you do not have enough money to go away and are always cash strapped.This is more so in the case of women. Take the so called’wife and Saudi princess’ of Prince Nasser. In the first place Prince Nasser of saudia cannot have more than 4 wives legally,so being the sixth wife as has been claimed makes her a permanent paid muse. Besides Prince Nasser wives would not be living in a condominium they would be inside Saudia. She was in reality the front face of the division of the human traffickers. We as martial artists are against human trafficking in general so they take a sadistic pleasure in making life difficult,most of the times they blame it on ninjas which is never true but how many people know about ninjas anyway. The purpose of this example is that no matter how difficult it seems we must hold on and have faith in the higher power. There is always light at the end of the tunnel .These Psychological methods are used to deplete one of there finances, assets so that they have no one to turn to or no one to help because by tapping phone calls collecting phone numbers from phone bills surrounding your apartment with only their people who will pretend to be your friend but open your apartment when you are not there and check or take all that is valuable. They will use a mentally unstable person to crate a ruckus and then all the neighbors will gather together and complain and say that ‘you’ did it. Dogs bark but the caravan passes on ..ours too passes on.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 16:32:23 +0000

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