There are moments in our lives, when in the moment you know that - TopicsExpress


There are moments in our lives, when in the moment you know that it will live with you forever. I just got a call from my grandmother, I could hear something different in her voice. So I asked whats wrong. Immediately I heard the crack in her voice from her holding back tears, she says to me that she feels sad, nervous, kind of depressed. She says she doesnt know whats wrong with her or why she is feeling this way, while crying on the phone. She is normally always so happy and positive, always taking care everyone. Yesterday, was the first time she had to go have mammogram done since she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few months ago which she has successfully defeated. In this moment, the woman who raised me to be the man I am today finally allowed one of her weaknesses to be seen and she chose me to be the one who sees it. A million thoughts are running through my mind, Im obviously overwhelmed to hear her struggling and scared. Instantly I realized that there was a reason why she was calling and why she decided to tell me of all people. So I did the only thing I knew how to do and that was to be a rock for her, to help calm her and heal her. So I explained to her that what she was feeling is completely normal, she was revisiting a place where she had got bad news a few months ago and had to go through struggles she went through, but that those days were behind her now and now she was stronger for it. That the nerves she had werent out of the ordinary and that she did everything she was suppose to do to make her better and that everything was going to be alright. She calmed down and just like herself went onto talking about something else. So I didnt push, I heard her relax and that the emotions that were sweeping through had settled. So I went along with what she was saying. At end of the conversation, I really wanted to know why me? Why not open up to my grandfather, my dad or my uncle. And she responded with, because you were the only one I knew would know exactly what to say and what to do. To hear that come from her, the person that I call when I need someone who will know exactly what to say and do, was immediately embedded in my heart. I felt like I had finally became the man she has been molding my entire life.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:52:03 +0000

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