There are never really “natural” allies anywhere in the world, - TopicsExpress


There are never really “natural” allies anywhere in the world, but Vietnam is certainly not an obvious or desirable one What a dumb and uneducated statement by a dumb and uneducated writer! First, metioning the term natural allies is stupid because no such term exists. Nations are allied with others to gain benefits form the alliance. It doesnt have to be natural because united we stand. The alliance of the nations that fought the Axis in the WWII, is one example, which obviously eventually led to the charter of the United Nations in 1945. Also, the un-natural or odd alliance of Great Britain and France and Russia to oppose the Central Powers in the WWI, is another one. .. to drag the U.S. into territorial disputes in which Americans have nothing at stake. Really! Where was your brain? Americans have nothing at stake? Another clueless comment by the brain-dead writer. The US is slowly losing its influence in South East Sea. Philippines, Japan and South Korea have been some of our Allies for decades. Now, the barbaric China is acting up practicing its delusional expansionism in the South East Sea. Knowing nothing about the world around, you ignorantly said, Americans have nothing at stake. China has been using cyber hacking illegally stealing our American modern technologies and other top national secrets for decades, which cost US economy and taxpayers hundreds of trillions of dollars (yes, with the letter t). In fact, the annual costs for America of cyber espionage could be $400 billion or more a year, confirmed humanevents-a powerful conservatives voices in its article: China Cyber-Stealing Its Way to Super Power Status. Also, topsecretwriters China Brags About Stealing Top US Secret Tech, stated, our response to this crisis is analogous to taking a knife to a gunfight. Robert Kaplan of the Atlantic wrote an interesting article, The Vietnam Solution-How a former enemy became a crucial U.S. ally in balancing China’s rise, which will surely make you a little more educated about the stake of Americans in the world, including the South East Sea. Keep in mind that Vietnam had a 5-thousand-year-old history of fighting against the Chinese invaders, and the fact that Vietnam is still Vietnam today standing tall, says it all about its intriguing history. Eventually, Vietnam-a country like no other, has a great history of resisting and defeating the worlds great powers. Becoming one of Vietnams allies is not a bad idea after all.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 03:44:52 +0000

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