There are no small parts, only small actors - Constantin - TopicsExpress


There are no small parts, only small actors - Constantin Stanislavski. “Mickey Rourke case in point. – Sean Penn put him in The Pledge, and Rourkes five minutes onscreen in that film is as wrenching and shattering as any acting I have ever seen. It is nearly unwatchable. You want to look away to give that character some privacy in his grief. I remember the buzz in my group of actor-friends after The Pledge came out. “Did you see Mickey Rourke? Did you? - His quality is so intense that it can’t be ignored; it has to be utilized and acknowledged in whatever role he was playing. Marlon Brando had the same thing. He simply entered a scene, saying nothing, and couldnt help but pull all of the attention his way. That kind of magnetism cannot be easily explained, it cannot be faked or taught. Sean Penn, no slouch himself, tells of how, as a younger actor, he would sneak onto the sets of Mickey Rourke movies just to watch Rourke act. – Rourke was never really an ensemble player—he is too much of an individual for that, and his presence, even very early on before he was a star, tipped the balance of a movie. He is like a magnet, drawing all of the attention. He can’t help it. You dont need to be a star, in the Hollywood sense, with a salary and an entourage, to be a star. We all know guys like that, guys who are not famous, but who have a glitter to them, something extra. It could be the security guard at the building where you work who throws out flirtatious comments as you walk by, and instead of being weird or offensive, it makes your day. Or it could be the old guy at the corner coffee shop, who sits there every day, doing the crossword, holding court, over-tipping the breakfast waitress just because he knows its the right thing to do, dispensing advice and opinions that everyone remembers. These people are stars. Mickey Rourke plays guys like that.” - Sheila OMalley
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 02:15:11 +0000

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