There are only two energies at the core of the human experience: - TopicsExpress


There are only two energies at the core of the human experience: love and fear. Love grants freedom, fear takes it away. Love invites full expression, fear punishes it. Love invites you, always, to break the bonds of ignorance. ~Neale Donald Walsch Good morning. I am grateful to be alive, awake, aware, attentive, available, accepting in this incarnation right here, right Now, present, patient, peaceful, at this point of my karmic cycle and spiritual development. I am grateful for the giftedness of existence. The gift of this life in this day, living in this body, with the silly sounds and raucous roars of this absurd circus of the mad monkey mind, tamed by this Loving heart, unfolding in this moment, right here, right Now, a simple timeless perfection. I am grateful for honoring this giftedness by giving to others, living a life of Grace and Gratitude, taking actions I dont want to, that make no sense, but always somehow bring clarity, relieve suffering, lead to greater understanding, and ultimately relief from the bondage of self. Gratitude is an action which honors the giftedness of existence through un-altering altruism especially through the simple, unnamed, seemingly trivial acts of kindness like acknowledging the sentient being sharing my space, honoring their dignity by acknowledging their existence, whether a fly, an ant, a tree, a suffering soul, someone cutting me off in traffic, or saying hi and thank you to the person bagging my groceries, or listening to someone with all my heart. Grace is our birthright and shines upon us when we are relieved of our selfish, self-centered fears, our shame and blame, our regret and remorse, our greed, gluttony and guilt, our worry, anger and anxiety: we can then experience the completeness, perfection, the glory of creation and beautiful patterns that are emerging effortlessly. I am grateful for forgiveness, letting go and letting be, for surrendering, for Loving acceptance and compassionate awareness. It is what it is, but more importantly, it is what we make it. Freedom lies in choosing our attitude no matter the circumstances. When we realize that everyone is doing the best they can from where they are with what theyve got, we can start to have compassion for them, for what seems like a bunch of assholes starts to be become suffering souls who are unleashing their pain and suffering, their unhealed traumas on the world. I am grateful for the Beauty within that sees the Beauty without, for all the Ways the Divine emerges, the magical, the mystical, the Mysterious myriad of manifestations emerging whether a tree dancing with the wind, a cloud drifting and shape-shifting, a curtain billowing in the breeze, a mountain meditating, your eyes lighting up, your being becoming lighter (enlightening up) and your heart enlarging as you shed another layer of delusion, dishonesty and denial... I am grateful for all the Ways the Universe dances and all the Ways the Universe sings and all the Ways She paints and sculpts. She nurtures and nourishes Nature, through a patient process producing such subtle suchness of single cell beings to infinite incarnations and manifestations. The Universe is constantly creating and consuming itself, mutating and metamorphosis. Her Beauty abounds beyond description, beyond comprehension, beyond beyond, the more me know the less we understand, the more we realize how little we know the closer we come to understanding it all. Im am so filled with awe, wonder and joy that there is anything at all! I am truly grateful for you! You make my heart smile and my soul sing. I am grateful for you being you precisely as you are, me being me precisely as I am, Us being Us precisely as we are. One Love. One Heart. One Mind. Thank you. Have a wonder-full day! I Love you! Love. Laughter. Levity. Light.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 11:57:41 +0000

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