There are plans and then there is nature. Plans are very - TopicsExpress


There are plans and then there is nature. Plans are very orderly. They are logical and perfect. Straight as an arrow. Flawless. As human beings, we like to make plans, and then follow them to reach a goal or a destination. Nature, however, is not so orderly. It is chaotic and unpredictable. Sometimes it is calm; other times it is wild. Sometimes its safe; other times its dangerous. Plans take place in our heads, but nature is the law of the world outside our thinking. And so, I realized then, that there is no point in getting upset when something doesnt go according to plan. Because for a plan to unfold, it has to take place in nature. And nature, to twist a familiar saying, abhors a good plan. Thus, my lesson that afternoon was to never curse or be frustrated by obstacles that appear out of nowhere and block my path, but to expect them. Because the obstacles are part of the journey. Whatever you do or plan, there will be obstacles that you wont be able to predict. And the bigger and more important the undertaking, the more likely the odds of encountering them will be. However, every obstacle is not actually an impediment, nuisance, or disaster: it is an opportunity for success. Because it is by overcoming those obstacles that you learn and grow, and even find a sense of meaning and accomplishment. Clearing the path in front of us, building bridges to get somewhere, moving the seemingly unmoveable--that is what were here for. And rather than feeling stress or getting anxiety or saying why me when things get in your way or dont go your way, you can think instead, This is great. Im going to get to learn something and grow from this. Its exciting. As Hugh Hefner put it in Everyone Loves You When Youre Dead, when talking about the sadness and loneliness of his childhood, Its the sand in the oyster that creates the pearl Today, after all that work, the path is cleaner, clearer, and safer than its ever been-and I can get to the beach at an even faster pace. However, I now know that the path isnt permanently clean, clear, and safe. Every day, it is changing, and I cant control it. All I can do is look forward to the next obstacle standing between me and where I want to go. And when I encounter it, I will no longer curse it like an enemy, but treat it like a friend. Because without the obstacles in our lives, and the challenges they present for us to overcome, we wouldnt get grow, learn, or get anywhere. - Is The Universe Conspiring Against You?
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:45:20 +0000

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