There are quite a few essential oil companies out there and some - TopicsExpress


There are quite a few essential oil companies out there and some new ones taking shots @ doTerra. What is doTerra stand and sentiments about all this hype? Keep reading Because of our commitment to quality and the healing mission of the oils, dōTERRA has experienced amazing success. We have quickly risen to be the largest distributor of essential oils in the world. We have been instrumental in advocating for a new standard of essential oil quality, and growers and artisans around the globe are responding in an enthusiastic manner. Our passion for tapping into the world’s most precious gifts and our commitment to giving back has stimulated depressed economies by providing employment, clean water systems, much needed medical clinics and schools, and has also allowed the legacy of caring for the Earth and her healing plants to carry forward to the next generation. We look forward to the future with great anticipation as we recognize more and more what an impact dōTERRA is having in the world. More than ever, people are learning how they can use essential oils to improve their lives and the well-being of those they love. We are empowering more than a million families worldwide by providing them with natural solutions to their health-care concerns. With this success and the exciting growth we are experiencing at dōTERRA, it’s not surprising that other opportunist would want to take advantage of our efforts by jumping into the essential oils business. Recently, we’ve been hearing about an existing company that is planning to add branded essential oils to their existing product offering. Unfortunately, as these new entities start up, they often feel they need to differentiate themselves and create marketing hype by making ridiculous and misleading claims. As dōTERRA leaders, you have the ability and responsibility to help others understand the reality of what they may be hearing. The purpose of this note is to provide insight into some of the claims we’ve been hearing. We hear this new company has a Harvard PhD that will help them beat dōTERRA. dōTERRA is fortunate to have the leading experts in the field of essential oils. While another company may have a PhD from a prestigious school that will help from a marketing perspective, it is critical to look at the body of work of anyone positioned as an expert. A true leader in any field will have deep experience in the field and be able to speak from a position of authority based on years of experience. That experience and expertise isn’t something you get from a graduate fresh out of school and new to essential oils. Like most of those you will see try to enter the essential oil space, their PhD seems to be more of a “pitch man,” most recently pitching some other product (as seen in this video: https://youtube/watch?v=egzbnJirx9w). Often, taking on a role like this stems from a lack of experience and a desire to “make a name” for oneself. By contrast, dōTERRA is pleased to have true leadership and experience in Dr. David Hill and Dr. Robert Pappas. As many know, Dr. Hill is a gifted essential oil physician. He is unmatched in his experience and expertise as a global educator for the oils. Dr. Hill has managed an essential oil clinic, treating hundreds of patients over the years, and has overseen research efforts with many prestigious professional medical and university institutions. Dr. Pappas is a celebrated PhD chemist and a leader in essential oils science. With more than 20 years of expertise in the quality assurance of essential oils, Dr. Pappas applies bona fide science to his work. Because of Dr. Pappas’ academic training and more than two decades of essential oils research, he is able to ensure the consistent medicinal quality of our essential oils. These two men, in combination with very impressive medical and scientific advisory boards who actively use the oils in their practices, provide dōTERRA with a very real and tangible ability to validate and substantiate the use of essential oils, something we take very seriously. Furthermore, dōTERRA employees a team of PhD scientists and similarly credentialed professionals with vast experience who oversee our stringent quality process as well as ongoing research to further validate the efficacy of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils. This new company will have a “secret” machine that can tell me the effectiveness of the oil. The idea that a machine or test can tell you the effectiveness of an essential oil on a human subject is certainly enticing. We all want to have something to point to that can reassure us that our product is the most effective product available. The reality is that a machine used in this manner is simply a shiny marketing tool designed to create a sense of authority and believability. But it will never be able to tell anybody how effective an oil is in the human body. dōTERRA employs the most effective, leading technologies to ensure our oils are the highest possible quality, and that they meet specific medicinal profiles we have established through years of research and use. When science is able to test effectiveness of an oil in the body, rest assured we will be leading the charge, ensuring we have the best quality products anywhere. Unfortunately, there are some who are willing to say or imply almost anything. It is highly unlikely that “the machine” being used would stand up to any level of scrutiny from other scientific peers. This is an area where science often becomes science fiction, a practice that tends to increase the enmity between allopathic (western medicine) and holistic or natural medicine. It takes more than a machine to determine essential oil quality and efficacy. I’m told that if I join this new company I can get in on the ground level and will make great money. Unfortunately, it’s this very statement that gives network marketing a bad name in many people’s minds. In the end, anything real or worthwhile takes real work. If getting in at “ground level” is so important, how does one reconcile the fact that all the others they bring later won’t do as well? At dōTERRA, the largest number of our most successful business leaders came years after our beginning. This is where dōTERRA is significantly different. We simply focus on the essential oils and their ability to bless people’s lives for the better. We recognize that 90 percent of our dōTERRA members are not interested in the business, but simply want the very best oils from a trusted source at good prices. We typically don’t attract those who chase the “get rich quick” dream. We have differentiated ourselves from the network marketing profession for that very reason and have established a category and culture all our own, focused first and foremost on essential oils. Those who know dōTERRA know of this difference. It is one of the primary reasons for our tremendous growth, and we won’t be distracted from our mission. Now, make no mistake. dōTERRA has a very strong business opportunity that tens of thousands of people worldwide benefit from. But for those who desire to build a business around the oils, perhaps what is most important when looking at any opportunity is to ascertain if the company is built to last. Again, many in the network marketing profession are simply looking for a quick way to make a lot of money only to have the opportunity fail, leaving many disillusioned people in their wake. Binary plans became very popular a number of years ago, mostly with the advent of the “juice war” startups. History has taught us that binary systems are unstable by nature. In fact, it’s difficult to find any company with a binary structure that has lasted more than a few years, or that has ever become successful long-term. These structures are great at making certain the initial people and company owners do well, but the great majority will be very disappointed. dōTERRA made a conscious decision to avoid such a plan from the beginning. For that reason, we did not attract the “Professional MLMers,” something we think has made all the difference to the fact that we enjoy the strongest retention rate in our industry. Our greatest concern regarding this new company and others that will come and go isn’t the potential competition. Rather, it is that they may damage the validity of essential oils and the mission they have to heal the world. These people care little about the oils themselves, making them barely more than a vehicle to sell their real product, which is the opportunity. Fortunately for dōTERRA we have an incredibly well-designed compensation plan that has proven its effectiveness over time. It rewards hard work, persistence, and dedication as individuals build their business. The structure allows for loyal consumers as well as those wanting to share and help others in building a business. The dōTERRA compensation plan pays very aggressively to those desiring to build a business. However, it is designed such that anyone can be successful, an equal opportunity for all instead of being dependent on being first to the table. Hundreds of Diamonds have proven that when you build a business with dōTERRA, it will be around for many years to come. Conclusion In short, there will be plenty of new companies talking about amazing opportunities for growth and wealth. Those familiar with dōTERRA know this is not how the company has achieved its success as the largest essential oil company in the world. There will be a few people lured away by the fleeting promise to get rich quick, but we believe most will see through the hype and empty promises that any new company might make. dōTERRA’s commitment goes deep, even beyond the essential oils themselves. We will continue to grow because we will not be distracted. We stand firmly by our principles of providing the highest quality essential oils the world has to offer. We will continue to educate the world about the amazing benefits essential oils provide for health and wellness. And dōTERRA will always stand behind and support our Wellness Advocates as they educate others and build relevant businesses that positively affect their families and communities around the world. Lastly, dōTERRA has become a very strong and financially stable company. Our beautiful new campus demonstrates our commitment to the future. We are still in our beginning stages. Please be assured that as you introduce friends, neighbors, and family members to dōTERRA essential oils and wellness products, they will always receive the best oils that can be had, and we will never do anything that might make them regret their decision to be a part of this phenomenal movement. Now let’s go change the health of the world one drop at a time! dōTERRA Corporate Communications
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:54:47 +0000

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