There are reports of massive wild fires, all across - TopicsExpress


There are reports of massive wild fires, all across Gambia...metaphorically speaking! Did I get your attention now? Truth be told, Gambia is rotting from within like its being eaten by termites, yet, oblivious to most ... Gambia is burning, on fire, burning from within! Rome burned while Nero fiddled.... The ongoing conflagration in The Gambia, has not only engulfed the physical but also sadly, the minds of good people. While Gambia burned, Jammeh is out of town, fiddling, or shall we say, playing the talking drum (Taama ), talking from both sides of his slippery mouth ...praising his delusional accomplishments to his new masters in Qatar. My friends, begging and touting your new masters is no substitute for a sound and responsible economic policy to develop a nation evenly from the ground up, not from the top down, petiod! Meanwhile the real damage to the future of our children, is being done by the rubber-stamped parliament, by the gang of merry-makers Their supplementary budget includes an allocation of D86Million just for the debauchery to continue unabated in Kanilai. Please see the Forayaa Newspaper. No empire will survive this level of extravagance, wastefulness, borrowing and irresponsibility. Using any development indicator, can anyone show us in which area has Jammeh succeded in raising Gambias standard of living, or quality of life? Its an open challenge to anyone who wants to take it...anytime. Free education is another big lie,.. now we know also, those new hospitals are no more than white elephants, because they represent more of a symbolic ego boost to an unaccomplished Dictator, than provide basic primary care. If the hospitals are so good, how come Dictator Jammeh and his family never seek care in his own hospitals? By the way, President Jawaras children were born at the RVH in Banjul,..just says something about trust and humility in a leader. But I digress...back to Jammehs visit to Qatar.. Instead of going to beg for money and aid, how about freeing the Gambian entrepreneurial spirit, ingenuity and industriousness. To build the new Qatar, within 20 degrees north of the equator, in Gambia, about ideas, not about begging. How about Dictator Jammeh stop competing with the state, ..stop competing with the private sector, ....stop micro-managing the economy, ...stop taxing businesses, the cottage industry out of existence with VAT. How about letting the market determine prices, so the risk takers can be rewarded. How about Jammeh stop violating the core principles of economics, and trade more with thy neighbors, say..Senegal! Stop destabilizing Caasamance, for a start. What right thinking person can justify this level of waste, self-aggrandizement, in the face of chronic unemployment, skyrocketing prices of basic commodities, massive high school drop rate and failure? While Gambia burned, Jammeh fiddles away, or shall we say, singing like a parrot, and dancing away our futures, in Qatar. Mr. President, Gambian are not impressed by your new turbaned friends, ...its your record of naked failures we are faced with on a daily basis. My friends, we can do something about it, ..yes we can, ..we can start by uniting, organising and mobilizing, to challenge the wannabe king of Kanilai in 2016. Please share this post on Facebook, Like us, join the PPP for a new beginning. All is not yet lost, but the current state of affairs is no longer sustainable and must be reversed Stay tuned and please come back.,Thank you
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:11:41 +0000

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