.There are several reasons why there are so many sects in Islam. - TopicsExpress


.There are several reasons why there are so many sects in Islam. The most important reason is the Quran itself. All sects of Islam base their belief on the most confused book ever written in the human history , The Quran . That book is so confused and can be underestood so differently that the members of each sect think that they are the only one who have underestood the Quran correctly and then according to the same book they call other sects heretics and condemn them to death. As you know more than 3,000,000 innocent ( including women and children ) people have been killed since 911 . More than 80% of the victims were muslims who were killed only because they belonged to a different sect. DO YOU THINK THAT SUCH A RELIGION WITH SUCH A CONFUSED QUIDENCE BOOK COULD BRING PEACE TO THE WORLD ? Another reason for having so many sects in Islam is the mentality of muslims and specially the clerics. The following two phrases do not exist in cleics vocabulary : 1- I don`t know and 2- I was wrong Every one of them considers himself infallible. The moment he says he does not know or he was wrong about any subject , he will lose followers and thereby power and money. Without exception , every powerfull clerics has his own followers and therefore his own sect. The first condition for a cleric to get more power and money is to have different underestandings of the Quran and hadith. The more radical and different those ideas are , the more possibility that he becomes more powerfull and rich. Only a few years after muhammads death this deviation became so great that they started killing each other already then. Since then more and more sects have been made and they are still being born . Hypothetically If the whole world becomes muslim , that is when the real war will begin . Different sects of Islam will continue killing each other to the last man. Every sect considers himself divine and others satanic. That will be the future of our world if Islam takes over. This is our underestanding of Islam because we are born and grown up in it . We know the mentality of muslims and specially it`s clerics. Refute us if you can.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:08:05 +0000

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