There are situations that we face in life that we wish God - TopicsExpress


There are situations that we face in life that we wish God would anaesthetise us so that we wake up after the ordeal. We so naively wish either passage of time or some miracle will come to our rescue. Oftentimes we appoint proxies to experience the pain for us. Haven’t you ever prayed, fasted and even sowed for God to block some evil or undesirable thing from happening? Sometimes you may feel God is facilitating, orchestrating and aiding the devil to torment you. You know and convinced that God has so much power to wipe out that opposition and annihilate the attack against you, but you cannot understand why He is not answering in your preferred way. They say testimonies are born out of tests. After the binding and casting has failed, check if God is not calling you to go through the experience in order to teach you some lessons. Of course they say experience is not the best teacher of wisdom, but if she shows up in the classroom then better pay attention. Probably you watched helplessly after having done everything to keep the marriage only for it to collapse. Your prayers seemed to make matters worse. After doing everything in your power to keep the job, they were even more determined to fire you. Having done all tricks you ended up surrendering to God and geared up for the worst to come. The psalmist agrees with you and Psalm 119:67 reads: “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.” God always has a plan for us, but sometimes because of our human nature we don’t quickly conform and end up learning the hard way. We don’t trust God enough and we want to run the show only to return to Him when things get out of control. Psalm 55:22 teaches: “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” All trust and confidence has to be put in God. Don’t be late in submitting to His will. God is so capable and His hands are safer than yours. He is more caring and responsible than you. After the painful experience, the psalmist rejoices because of the lessons learnt. Psalm 119:71 says, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” Perhaps the answers you didn’t get kept you from being wild and wayward. Don’t you think that it was good that you were fired from the job, lost that deal, evicted from those lodgings and that furniture repossessed? You ended up working harder thus discovering that you are capable of doing more than you thought. Now you know that you are so talented and gifted in other areas you never imagined. I know it is painful, but it is necessary for your growth and muscle formation. It is God’s way of increasing your capacity and for you to be responsible so that you don’t waste what God will give you. Imagine if that contract came five years ago or that house or car or even a partner! Do you think you would be still serving God and attending church? Maybe you were going to have excuses for not giving God quality time. I am not convinced that God can bless you with something to keep you away from Him. Just check, maybe God is doing you favour. You have been preserved and kept holy, pure and righteous. Sometimes you have to get broke for Jehovah Jireh, God the Provider to be revealed in your life. Jehovah Rapha sometimes let’s you get sick in order to get healed so that you get a testimony and witness to others so that God gets the glory. While it may appear God has shut His ears from your prayers, stop crying and murmuring and push further to get more revelation of Him. The more you complain, the longer the journey; the more you comply the faster the process and greater the rewards. Make a decision today. Do you want to stay comfortable and go nowhere or you want to experience the pain, humiliation and embarrassment so that you get the promotion? After the ordeal you get stronger, more able to handle matters and become a better person. Allow the encounter and begin to celebrate the reward that is coming. You should get to a stage where God can trust you and equip you to go places. Be calm while in the oven so that you can get the top post. The experience is necessary. Don’t skip the processing line, you are going somewhere
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 21:26:52 +0000

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