There are so many shows coming out right now and people are always - TopicsExpress


There are so many shows coming out right now and people are always scrambling to come up with new ideas. The thought occurred to me though that no one has ever done a no bars held true account of the Bible. For those of you who havent actually delved into it you may be surprised but aside from it being the daily bread for believers; it is also one of the most riveting, controversial, raw and sometimes downright shocking pieces of work that has ever been published! Up until now people have picked bit and pieces out of it to make a mini-series or a movie here and there. However no one has ever gone as deep into it as we are with the production of Genesis Revealed. Imagine everything in the bible portrayed exactly as it would have been, holding nothing back. Every detail artfully and masterfully displayed from the creation of Earth and the heavens to man being formed from the dust of the Earth. Watch as the dust particles begin to bond one by one to first form bones as they scramble each on top of the other to develop into tissue and ligaments, organs and skin. All of this of course using the best VFX and CG available. Imagine if you will how Adam would have been in the few moments after his creation. Confused maybe? Would he have been able to function right away or would he need guidance in order to learn the basics of life? How to walk, talk, find shelter. What about Eve? How would they have related to each other? With having no parents to teach them how would they know how to couple and what would they have agreed on? Disagreed? I dont want to give away too much with this explanation so I will conclude by saying this, Genesis Revealed is guaranteed to be the most riveting, thought provoking, raw account of biblical times that you will ever have the pleasure of watching.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 23:43:49 +0000

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