There are so so many great Law Enforcement people in our - TopicsExpress


There are so so many great Law Enforcement people in our communities and this is not a police bashing site. I want to take a minute and commend you as officers of the law and thank you for your services. Many of you are good souls, good human beings, and want to make a difference and do in fact make a huge difference in our towns and communities. We as citizens depend on you for justice, life threatening situations, guidance for our children, or protection from the bad. You work tireless hours for little money and recognition. Most of you try to be fair and firm but friendly. To those officers we honor you and say, Thank You .. Thank you for your services to us as citizens. As far as our current situation with Rowdy; Don and I reviewed these videos many times as we talked last evening. Don, being the animal lover and kind man that he is, reemphasized to me that this group should be about community awareness and making public the positive actions of our city leaders pertaining to our family pets and animals. We are the people who vote our leaders into office. We need to be talking with our town, city, and state leaders and insisting protocol be implemented immediately for our defenseless animals. Our goal here is to promote kindness and unite everyone in protecting our pets vs abusing or killing defenseless animals. Often times it takes a horrible situation to get a positive outcome. It is sad that Rowdy and many other animals have been the sacrifice in the past to achieve this common goal. We must put stop to this kind of thinking and behavior. I feel like a parrot repeating myself but if we say it often enough and follow up, it WILL happen because we all know change can be good. Animal Control should be in charge of animals. Our law enforcement should not be responding to animal control calls when there is a division for this purpose. When our law enforcement officers decide to act as an animal control officer they need to have a set protocol and guidelines in place. They also need proper training and equipment on their person and in their vehicles to protect everyone involved when addressing a domestic animal call or to any animal on the streets. Again, when LE are placed in that position, they must have a protocol, training, and equipment when responding. Anything less is unacceptable. If our town leaders expect officers of the law to be Animal Control then they must be prepared. Our officers have enough to do just protecting us from bad citizens, writing tickets to support our town, or talking with our young and leading by being a good example/ someone to respect and look up to. This sounds so simple when rolling off the lips but their jobs are tough and dangerous at times! As stated, Don and I have viewed this tape many times and we cannot wrap our minds around what this officer was or was not thinking when he shot Rowdy. It is our belief that the officer went to this address with an agenda and that was to kill Rowdy. We further believe that what he did was wrong and is considered animal abuse. There is absolutely no way to justify this officers actions. It is meaningless to keep beating that horse. We will ask unbiased officials to examine these videos and make their decisions and we will all live by that ruling. With all of this said, we must place personal hurt and anger aside and move forward in a positive way making sure no animal or family ever has to endure this kind of pain, suffering, and financial burdens again. Rowdy is alive and while he suffers daily living with the actions of this officer, we will get through this horrific ordeal with the support of family and friends. We ask for prayers for Rowdy, our family, our community, this officer, and our law enforcement team. We also ask that our leaders do right by these animals and the people who defend out towns, cities, and sates. Don will be addressing our city leaders Monday week at the city council meeting and we will move forward in a positive direction. Thank you all again for the prayers and support. This has been difficult for all.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 18:03:06 +0000

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