There are some big differences between the Brown and Garner - TopicsExpress


There are some big differences between the Brown and Garner killings. I think that it would be good for us all to understand it. It would be especially helpful to the mass of people who have chosen to take up protesting as their vocation in the absence of anything better to do. If you are going to wave signs, stop traffic, and generally disrupt the few of us who are still trying to earn a living in this ridiculous, shrinking, police state that was once the largest economy in the world, then you might as well know where to aim your bullhorns. Mike Brown, no matter what you think of how he met his end, spent his time as well as we can tell menacing his community with his criminal behavior. Before he became the example for shameless race-baiters of black males who cannot excel in this slavery-laden society, he was nothing more than a thug who would not have merited a glance from Sharpton, Holder, or Obama. There are thousands of young men exactly like him who would never get a return phone call from Sharpton’s office. His crime was violent, and he died in the act of it. Eric Garner, unlike Mike Brown, seems to have spent his time selling cigarettes to NYC residents who have the unfortunate (but not quite illegal) vice of smoking. For those of us who might not understand how there could possibly be a black market for a legal product in this great country, let me explain. Between the absurdly high taxes levied by New York State and the communist mayor of NYC, the price of a pack of smokes, if you were to purchase it from a legal vendor (like, say the corner convenience store where most of us would consider such a purchase) is about $14. That means very little to someone who doesn’t smoke, but smokers will tell you that it is 6 or 7 dollars more per pack than they would pay anywhere else in the country. And, so enters the opportunistic “street vendor” who sells loosies for less than you would have to pay in the store. Mr. Garner was arrested eight times for this crime against the city, and more than once by the officer who finally took him down. In case you have failed to see the difference between Brown and Garner, let me get to the point. If you do not live in NYC, and both of these men are going about their business in your community, only one of them would rightly draw the attention of law enforcement. In fact, Mr. Garner’s activity would not even be possible in your community. The laws of economics would not support a street vendor selling loosies. Brown’s activity is possible in any community. To a certain extent, it is present in all communities. It is the kind of activity that makes us feel justified for putting cops on the street. Frankly, they are underpaid if we consider what they have to go through when engaging the likes of Brown. So, if you are going to waive signs at me while I try to get to work on time in a desperate attempt to keep the few pistons that are still firing in this economy hot, please do not confuse the two events. Please. It would mean a lot to the working stiffs if you beatniks would at least have a rudimentary understanding of what is happening. Pay attention and sharpen your crayons. Garner was arrested by an over-zealous white officer taking orders from a black sergeant who was under pressure from a communist mayor (white, but married to a black woman) who cannot stand to see his citizens buying cigarettes at a fair market price. As much as de Blasio would like you think otherwise, this is not a racial issue. This is a big government issue. It shouldn’t require much editing of your crayon-on-cardboard signs. I can help you with the spelling if need it.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:49:29 +0000

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