There are some natural things in life which make people happy. - TopicsExpress


There are some natural things in life which make people happy. Having somebody / some people around who love, care and respect for you, having enough money to help you lead a comfortable life, having a good education or a progressive career, a healthy life, some bit of success or fame and some other usual things which usually tend to make people happy. Now, lets say, life has kept you away from all or many of these things, leading you to feel sad, bad and dejected. What do you do now? How can you be happy? For arent these the very things that were supposed to make you happy? With them not there, how can you experience happiness? You see, when the usual ways to be happy dont seem to be working out for you, youve got to start thinking unusually. You need to start thinking out of the box, you need to get innovative with your approach towards being happy. So if you dont have enough people around you who care for you, can you start trying to build your life where you are able to be more by yourself and be happy. Can you indulge yourself in movies or computer games or books or music or whatever that keeps you busy and going and decreases your dependency on other people? Or can you try making friends online, and even though people may not be physically around you, just find friends and know that they care for you by caring for them yourself. If you dont have enough money, can you try to indulge in practices that help you save whatever little you have? Can you try to decrease your desires and learn to be content with less? Can you try to find happiness in certain things and ways which dont require you to spend a lot of money, a home made meal instead of going out, a downloaded movie instead of a trip to the cinema hall? If you dont have good education, can you try to learn up some skills and see if you can find a good career opportunity basis that? If your career isnt going anywhere, can you try to work on your interpersonal skills, thereby increasing your growth chances in other ways? Can you basically put some extra efforts outside your education and career path which will indirectly help you do better? If your healths been bothering you a lot, can you first try to work on the immunity and your lifestyle? Sometimes we keep trying to treat the ailments when the problem is actually deep rooted. Can we try to look at the health issues from another perspective and try solving it? So if you are not being able to be successful, can we understand how success in any case doesnt just depend on us, but is actually a resultant of many external factors? That success effectively depends on time among other things? So can we keep putting in our efforts and hope to attain success when its the right time? Of course, these are all far easier said than done, and in many case, you cant even do any of the alternatives mentioned above as well. But it all simply comes down to this, if life is not allowing you to be happy in the usual way, you need to think of something unusual to be happy. When one path towards happiness isnt working out, its time to change the path and try something else. No matter how many paths dont work out for you, one of them definitely will. Its natural to see and say how nothings working out for us, but many a times, its just time for us to make things work out in some other way. Try try, and experiment all that you can, you might just end up finding a new kind of, a new source of, a new found happiness
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 12:54:08 +0000

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