There are some people who would believe if... I notice in - TopicsExpress


There are some people who would believe if... I notice in different Christian groups that sometimes theres name calling and lots of bad attitudes towards someone there asking questions and/or may sound like an Atheists picking at points for clarity. I have even been a part of being attacked myself when confronted with a griefer who is there only to cause trouble however.... There are some people who would believe in God if only their questions were answered. If only they were able to receive the answer given, but for some reason theyre asking you in a doubting way with an attitude of prove it. They may say things like Youd have to be a fool to believe [this or that]...but the whole while are wanting you to show them they are wrong for they truly do want God to be real. They may be at a tipping point and what it is you say to them could be the difference between reeling in the catch for the Lord or their being damned for rejecting the Lord and it would be your bad attitude and comments to them that caused them to reject the Lord and his fake Christian people. There are people who want God, want him to be real, and need him to be real and so they are there searching with a tiny bit of hope with lots of questions they need straight answers to. They need to hear whatever it is they must hear that will convince them God loves them and that he is real and so they will have finally found what they have been looking for... But then they meet you...... and youre having a bad day.... or in a mood that you will just not suffer one more idiot......or one of those boring Moslems always going on about their false god and prophet. Maybe you are full of yourself and intend on straightening out this ignorant fool who seems to have no clue but wants to argue points. Some of the things I read from the brothers and sisters to these people would curl my toes. This is so sad because it just ends up with both sides being offended and turning angry. Dont be a turn-off by your impatience and dont let your own offense show. If you are not in the mood to deal with them correctly....maybe you should just shut your computer off and take a nap. Christians are to be slow to anger, offer kindness and show love and compassion. We need to use understanding and empathy with these confused people who are searching for answers, and you cannot always tell those who are searching from those who just want to argue. Give responses with simple answers and use scripture they can be easily understood and dont use your Christianese terms which only the other brothers & sisters will understand. Compare them to a wild dog that is hungry. It will come close to town seeking food but will be wary, untrusting and scare easily. It will attack in a flash in self defense. We must be polite, gentle and compassionate since...we do represent the Lord. Some Christians say to me, when I chastise them for being so rude and cruel, that we are to be correcting them. I tell them NO, that is not what we are to do with those unsaved ones. They are not the brothers & sisters who we are to correct. These are those we are to collect, not correct. With the unsaved we only tell them what is Gods word on the matter and let them come to their own conclusions. We dont name call and look down on them but show love and compassion...not judgment...that is Gods job. With the brothers & sisters, who should know better, we judge them and if they need a word of correction it is still to be in love and done in private at first so not to shame them, then publically to call them on it. My point is: Dont be cruel or rude. Dont be argumentative or snotty and display a poor attitude... for we are a child of the Most High God and represent the Lord as part of his Body. When dealing with someone who may actually be searching for answers, and you cannot always may be the person that ends up being the tipping point for them. Will you bring them in...or will you be the one who puts them off the whole God-thing making them now reject Jesus and remain damned? You represent God. Be the right voice showing them God loves them.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 14:32:18 +0000

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