There are some pretty big changes taking place in my life right - TopicsExpress


There are some pretty big changes taking place in my life right now. As most of you know I moved to Denver in February last year. The move was mostly a step I took to take myself out of my comfort zone and throw myself into a completely different lifestyle and culture, and to give myself the opportunity to push myself in a way that wasnt possible back in Philadelphia. Im definitely much more confident in what I can achieve, and since moving here, I feel like I can set bigger goals for myself and actually meet them. Ive loved every second of living in Denver; Ive made some of the best friends Ive ever had and Ive had the benefit of working with them. On top of that, the Balistreri family gave me a job and treated me really well, and made my transition into Denver a really easy one. I honestly never expected things to workout as well as they did. So I want to thank them and all my close friends out here for making this past year one of the greatest years of my life. That brings me to the main point of this post... I am moving back East to Philadelphia. This decision was made this past Sunday, and after weighing several options, it became clear to me that the range of things I can accomplish in Philadelphia, and the different experiences I can have while actually throwing myself into the heart of the city, are endless. My move to Denver was never a permanent thing, and the plan was pretty much always for me to go with the flow and try to expand on the experiences and adventures in my life; If I ended up feeling that I achieved what I wanted here in Denver, and as a result moved back to Philly, excellent... if I ended up moving farther West, excellent... If I ended up living in Denver for a longer period of time, excellent... So after some thought, Ive made the decision to make Philadelphia my home again... but this time around, I will be living in the heart of the city instead of in my hometown, which is just outside the city. When I moved to Denver, I thought about how I never really experienced what a life inside the city of Philadelphia would be like, and I felt some regret in not giving that lifestyle a shot, because I feel like I would really love it. So, I am throwing myself back to the East Coast and diving head first into Philadelphia. I am following my heart and doing what feels right, and Ill continue to do so. Since New Years last year, I took a step back and looked at what I had experienced and accomplished up to that point in my life (I was 25 years old at the time). I felt I hadnt really given myself the chance at experiencing some of the best parts about having life on this planet; You can literally do whatever you want, its just a matter of what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve it. So I decided to make a spur of the moment change and move to Denver. Since then, my goal in life has been to simply live and let life unfold spontaneously. All I want is to have positive experiences and to do whatever I think will make me feel like Ive lived my life fully. I look forward to reuniting with my friends from home and seeing my family more often. I love jumping into things head first and putting the stresses and worries of life aside. I cant wait to see what I can achieve back in Philadelphia. I will miss Denver, and most of all, my friends out here. It will be really hard to say bye to them, but Ill make it my mission to see them as often as possible. I am lucky to have the life I have.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:59:59 +0000

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