There are some serious gaps in knowledge of the shooting at - TopicsExpress


There are some serious gaps in knowledge of the shooting at Parliament Hill. It will be impossible to piece together the reality until more information is revealed. Ive been doing the best I can to understand it, but there are some glaring questions and stinky coincidences. Questions: Why have no better pics or footage of the perpetrator been released? There are cameras all over Parliament, why is there only one action shot of the perp looking ever much the terrorist? Why is the pic they show from an ISIS website, and where did they get it, is this a pic from the incident, and if so, who sent it to ISIS? Why are they relying on an ISIS source for reliable info, just to connect him to ISIS and justify our actions in Iraq? Where are pics from witnesses, media, security footage? Hes been arrested in Quebec, wheres his mug shot? Why is the media only focusing on a pic from a terrorist group, showing him looking like a terrorist? How did they identify him so fast? Usually they would need to bring him to the coroners first, then determine identity. Even if he had ID on him, it seems they knew who he was and were ready to release all the dirty details on this guy really quick. I heard it wasnt even us, that American sources identified him. How could they identify a guy wearing a bandanna over half his face? Or were they in Ottawa to see the body? Why do they know and not us? Where did he get the rifle? Was he licensed? Too bad the Harper Cons killed and destroyed the long gun registry every police chief in Canada told them to keep. Some accounts say rifle, some say shotgun, but theres a big difference, rifles can be much longer barrels. If they knew this guy was on a list of radicalized Canadians, and had already had his passport revoked so he couldnt leave to go fight somewhere, how were they not keeping better tabs on him? The list of radicalized Canadians had only 90 people on it, after the solider getting run down only days prior how did they not go on high alert with the rest of the radicalized list? How did he get from the war memorial to Parliament unobstructed? If there were shots fired and people panicking, tell me how, in the time between shooting at the memorial and getting into Parliament, did no one at Parliament notice something bad was going down and prepare? A CBC article claims the solider was shot at 9:52 and shots rang out in Parliament at 9:55. It is a short hike from the memorial to Parliament doors, about 350m by my estimates. Average walking speed puts that at 4.2 mins, and if he ran, how did no one notice a gunman bolting across the lawn of Parliament? Some say he drove, but civilian vehicles cant just drive up there, and the accounts Ive read said the suspected vehicle was parked on Wellington, not left in front of Parliament. The guy was carrying a rifle, not something that can be concealed easily, how did he cross the lawn to Parliament unimpeded or unnoticed? There are always cops parked randomly around Parliament. Even with a car there is NO way one could get there that fast, its physically impossible (lending to the possibility there was more than one shooter and also accounts for eye witnesses having varying details on the shooter). When he got to Parliament, they said he confronted security and barreled through. Security is not armed, but does that mean they saw his gun and just stepped aside? Was this one of the security guards shot in the foot? Why has no info been released on how the guard was shot? All the media keeps showing is all the endearing pics of the dead soldier to inflame our outrage. Coincidences?... There are some very cynical coincidences with the timing of this, in particular that THE VERY DAY THIS HAPPENED HARPER WAS TO TABLE NEW ANTI-TERRORISM LEGISLATION THAT WOULD ATTEMPT TO TRACK THESE EXACT KIND OF PEOPLE OVERSEAS. Yes, that is no lie, but they took it further last night, turning it into the need for more power over radicalized Canadians living here. The Harper Cons want new anti-terrorism legislation that allows them to go after radicalized Canadians, revoking their passports and arresting them preemptively to reeducate and de-radicalize them. There is a scary clip from CTV National News last night, go to 14:25 of Oct 22 CTV National News and listen to Larry Bush get a quick soundbite to lament that the current laws get in the way of preemptively arresting and detaining someone before theyve done anything wrong and then having a court mandated program to reeducate them. Another coincidence with CTV, they were having their big mayoral debate that night and so got to change the conversation to one about terrorism. On top of that, the fact elections across Ontario are due in less than a week adds the extra fear-induced anxiety for all. Another coincidence, although much less relevant but still eerily timed, both the Toronto Maple Leaves and Ottawa Senators were supposed to play in Ottawa, but the game was cancelled. Talk about picking the perfect day for maximum effect! :( Canada has had a few genuine false flag events. The police posing as rioters in Montreal and Toronto, and the entrapped bombers in Victoria who were literally coached by the undercover police who helped them construct the bombs. Im not saying this is a false flag just yet, but so far it stinks to high heaven, and it seems the media and government are directly in league to paint this as home-grown terrorism that needs more draconian laws to combat. It is an excuse to take away more rights and freedoms. It begs questions such as, did the government allow this to happen so they would have an excuse to strengthen anti-terror measures? Or are CSIS and the RCMP just that incompetent they couldnt see this coming? Dont believe the hype, read between the lines, listen to what theyre not saying, and QUESTION EVERYTHING!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 19:09:06 +0000

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