There are some things I really have a problem - TopicsExpress


There are some things I really have a problem being if you tell someone you are going to do something, keep an appointment, whatever it may be---do you do your level best to keep your word or do you keep procrastinating and putting them off? Or if you want to talk to them or they come for a visit---do you sit with your phone in your hand texting the whole time or do you put it aside and have a normal conversation? People are very busy, which is understandable, but if you give a person your word to do something then try your best to do it or be up front and tell them you are unable to keep your word at this time. Or if you ask someone to come visit then be polite and put the phone or other electronics aside for a while and visit. The world today is so fast pace until no one takes time to live a half way normal life any more. I remember the Good old days as many calls them when people kept their word to you, when you went to visit or they came to visit you, everyone sit down laughed, talked and had a wonderful time visiting. Now it seems as tho no one has time for anyone anymore. Maybe its because I am getting older that I am really noticing several things that used to not seem important. But one thing I can assure you is that if I tell you I am going to do something I will try my level best to do it or either I will tell you otherwise. As for the cell phones, I am as guilty as anyone about that, but have really been trying to break myself of that habit. Today another lady and I visited with another lady and even tho my cell phone was dinging I did not pick it up. We talked, we laughed and really had a good visit. Time is fast passing everyone by and no one seems to notice. Children are growing up under our noses and electronics seem to be more important that the little ones are. Then they are following in your footsteps and instead of going outside and playing in the sunshine they sit in front of TVs with games in that have blood and guts all over the screen and then the world wonders why there are so many killings. What is even worse is people that profess to be living a christian life buying or allowing their children to buy videos or video games with cussing, killing, blood flying everywhere and the parents think it is ok!!! Wake up parents! How can you expect your child to change from this if you are allowing it? Then if they are bullied or if they get really mad at someone and decide to get a gun, knife or whatever weapon and kill the person harassing them, then you can thank yourself for helping put the thoughts of murder in their minds by watching and playing the games with all the mess in them. So if it ever comes to that, dont sit and wonder why? Clean the mess up out of the homes they are growing up in. They are learning it from the video games you are buying them to keep them out of your hair while you play on your electronics without them interrupting you. On may jobs that are very dangerous, you see cell phones being used by the workers. My husband and other men have seen operators shut a machine down to chat on their cell phones! Cell phones need to be banned from jobs especially on jobs that are dangerous. Public jobs is not a place for personal pleasure but to give your employer 100% of your time that you are receiving pay for. Put yourself in your employers place, would you allow it? In a nut shell....Try to keep your word because that will follow you the rest of your life. If you give someone your word that you will do something, then do your level best to keep your word. True, when you get my age note pads come in very handy to keep notes to remind me to do things. But age really has nothing to do with my notes because my children can tell you that their mother has always had notes laying around to remind my of what another note was for! LOL Not quite that bad! Try to slow down and smell the coffee, the roses or whatever, but try to just live and not try to do 901 things at the same time. Be a little more courteous to people. Try to enjoy life a little more than you are doing. Unwind and just have a normal conversation without constant interruptions of the phone. Keep your word if you give it to someone. God bless you all and I do remember when one finger is pointing there are three more pointing back at me. I love you all.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 01:34:02 +0000

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