There are some things that in an ideal society, they are wrong and - TopicsExpress


There are some things that in an ideal society, they are wrong and abnormal, however in Nigeria, they are very normal, we are so used to bad governance that we see those things as part of us and we no longer complain about them, instead we just try to find ways to improvise and live with those problems, and we have done same so well that we have come to see such abnormalities as the norm. I have isolated those I think are the top 10. 1. ELECTRICITY: gradually Nigerians have now accepted that it is normal not to have power or expect electricity, we have all instead bought very good generators for ourselves, it’s so pathetic and infuriating to hear us shout up NEPA when they light comes on instead of being furious that the power was gone in the first place. 2. BAD ROADS: am sure the guys in the fast and the furious have nothing on Nigerians when it comes to driving and swerving on the road, all thanks to our bad roads, instead of having good roads, we have all agreed that the way forward is to acquire skills on how to navigate portholes and gutters. Let’s not forget that a lot of people have died on this roads (all avoidable deaths). 3. RIGGING ELECTIONS: Elections are going to be rigged is not the issue, we know elections will be rigged, the question is who will be the best rigger. 4. KILLER CONVOYS: Why some supposed big men choose to risk their lives and that of other Nigerians by choosing to maintain reckless convoys is what I do not understand, even our security men who are supposed to be responsible for our safety have keyed into this madness and are at the fore front of it. 5. LACK OF CASH: I laughed when I first heard of the CBN inspired cashless society, Nigerians have been cashless for a longtime, if u asked me, a lot of us didn’t even know that the policy has kicked off. We have acquired a skill as a people to just use the little cash u have until the next money comes, Nigerians have been cashless for a longtime. 6. VIOLENCE: the other day Miss Malala came to town and a foreign news medium said she was risking her life by coming to Nigeria as if this was where she was shot, but that is the new reality, our country now competes with Somalia, Syria and other demonized countries, with thousands getting killed every month, Nigerians are now insensitive, it is no longer news to hear of 20 butchered in Borno, or 50 killed in bomb blast, it’s now all normal. 7. DEFECTION TO OTHE PARTIES: politicians now look for new parties the same way girls look for new places to shop and guys look for new places to hangout. There was a time when to defect from one party to another was a big decision and it made headlines, but now you just yawn when u hear such news. 8. STRIKES: strikes have become a comedy out here, in some countries strikes are the biggest of crisis, but here we are so used to it that people go on strikes and come back and nothing feels different. We are so used to it that we feel it is normal for unions, schools, hospitals etc. to go on strike at least once a year. 9. INJUSTICE: no one even expects justice from the courts anymore, powerful people just do as they please, people act with so much impunity and you begin to wonder what makes us different from the animal Kingdom. 10. CORRUPTION: of course I had to include the mother of it all, corruption corruption corruption, we are so into corruption to the extent that we don’t even know how not to be corrupt again, yes folks, when someone is in public office or any office for that matter and does not do one or two things to illegally enrich himself people look at him as a fool rather than praise him, for you to get praises u just have to steal a lot of money, and what’s worse it is now a very normal thing in the country in fact it has become a duly registered conglomerate in its own right. Being corrupt is now the acceptable norm and not the exception.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:11:58 +0000

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