There are things in life that simply erase the days of weariness - TopicsExpress


There are things in life that simply erase the days of weariness and struggle. I married a beautiful woman who loves me to this day. Together we had a son, in whom our pride and love grows every day. Separately and together, we have known and loved many wonderful nonhumans, all of whom I am proud to have called my friends; And speaking of friends, I have a modest handful of people whose friendship I count among my most precious and loved acquaintances, and in whose company I have felt healing comfort and solace in times of despair. I have had the great joy of spending my childhood in a rural community where I could walk out my back door and into the forest, meandering across Earth to hills and lakes, big trees and streams, cliffs and meadows. I have experienced the unmatched excitement of racing across the Great Plains in pursuit of mighty whirling winds that dance across the prairies every Spring, watching the lightning crackle and hearing the thunder reverberate among the hills and canyons. I have crawled through sandstone canyons that swirl like multiple crimson dragons and walked atop towering arches crafted by the wind and the water crystals. I have stood in the presence of explosive columns of water, supercharged with the energy of the Earth, and monumental falling cataracts of the same liquid that seem as though to issue from Heaven itself. I have walked through sublime rainforests brimming with life and across the snowy granite ridges of breathtaking mountains, and in doing so have come to understand and love them both. I have spent nights warm and cold out under the stars, gazing sleepy at a welcoming woodfire or peering intently through a cylinder of glass at other fires trillions of times more distant, but in both cases enjoying the best company and discussion I have ever had. Fortune could hardly favor a person more than it has me. I am the luckiest man in the world. The world is brimming over with bad things, but I have never been touched by them. Being so fortunate, I owe an ethical obligation it to all creatures to do my best to help them have the best lives possible. No good fortune is worth having if it cannot be shared and passed on.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 22:38:02 +0000

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