There are things that happen in our life that are beyond - TopicsExpress


There are things that happen in our life that are beyond understanding other than it was meant to be for a REASON. I just experienced one of those things in learning THE ART OF LEADERSHIP. On my flight home after 6 days in Washington, DC it was my honor to sit beside a very high ranking Green Beret. He didnt offer his name or rank or even that he was in the military but I knew he was by his behavior. (Secondary lesson there). After a few moments I asked him if he was in the military and he answered, Yes, maam. He didnt say his rank, what he did or much about himself but over the next 2 1/2 hours we talked about everything you would want to ever ask a high ranking military commander. As he felt more comfortable talking with me he shared small tidbits of what his current position and duty is. All I will say is I kept asking myself why am I sitting beside this HERO. I wont say where he is stationed or what he does because I promised to protect our confidential discussion. But I am speechless and in awe of the lessons I was just taught with complete humility, strength and honor from a man who has served 5 tours in the Middle East as a Commander and is on his way to see his grandchildren. I asked him if he minded if I wrote a few things down because I wanted to remember them for the rest of my life. With his permission I will be sharing and implementing the lessons this real HERO shared with me! I can only hope I will become a better leader because of my new friend. Yes, I have his name and contact info and yes we promised to keep in touch. I had some of my questions answered, some were discussed and concluded that politics played a greater role in military decisions than needs be, and I now have a deeper understanding of the basis of military decisions. Of the many lessons I learned, the most calming and reassuring thing I can share is this man believes just like me. (That may not be re-assuring to some). He thinks about his family and grandchildren and their future just as we do. I will remember his strength of character and his weakness of love and how he molds the two to be a man of wisdom and strength. He truly taught me what he called THE ART OF LEADERSHIP! I have a new name to add to my prayer list! Please dont forget our military and their sacrifices for our freedom.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:58:18 +0000

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