There are things we just can’t hide Joshua 7:10-11 “And the - TopicsExpress


There are things we just can’t hide Joshua 7:10-11 “And the LORD said unto Joshua, Get thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?” Israel hath sinned Just stop crying and praying about it. You should have done that before 36 of your people died. There so need for these to have died. Israel has just been involved in a great military conquest. They witnessed the amazing defeat of the city of Jericho. They marched around a city thirteen times over six days, they shouted, the blew their trumpets, and the city walls fell flat. They conquered Jericho without firing a shot! They are still basking in the glow of that great event. They are sure that they are unbeatable. They are certain that every obstacle in their path will be moved out of their way. Verse 1, however, reveals the truth that God is upset with Israel. Israel thought that everything was all right. They thought that they were standing on the edge of a great string of victories that would see them conquering the entire land of promise. The word “but” in verse 1 signals a change for Israel. Up until now they had been blessed and used greatly of the Lord, but now things have changed! They thought they were unstoppable, but what they did not know was that there was a serious problem in their midst. There was one man among them who was causing a problem for the entire family of God. The same scenario is still possible today. We are all members of one body, 1 Cor. 12:27. We all know that when one member of the body has problems, the entire body suffers with it. The same thing is true in the body of Christ, 1 Cor. 12:26. Are you aware that your spiritual temperature has a profound effect on the entire body of Christ What you do affects the entire church body. The fact is, there are some things you just can’t hide. If you eat raw onions or garlic, others will know about. If you stop bathing or using deodorant, you won’t hide that for long. If you eat Cheetos, your orange fingertips will give you away. If you try to hide sin in your life, your secret will eventually get out, because your sin will affect you and all those around you. Ill. Num. 32:23b, “...and be sure your sin will find you out.” Psa. 90:8, “Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.” We might not want to admit it, but we all know that sin causes problems. It causes problems for the one sinning and it causes problems for everyone around them. It’s like throwing a pebble into a pond Most of us are just like Achan from time to time. We allow sin into our lives; we try to hide those sins; and we try to cover them up. When we do, we bring pain and trouble into our lives. These verses teach us that Some Things Can’t Be HiddenIll. Israel did not realize it, but they were living through one of the most dangerous times of life. The time just after a great spiritual victory is a dangerous time. Often, like Israel, we will be overconfident and believe that we can handle any battle that comes our way, When we take the time to look more closely at their actions, it is easy to see that they made mistakes. Nowhere in this passage does it even hint that Joshua and the people of Israel sought the will of God for dealing with Ai. They didn’t even pray about the matter. If they had, God would have revealed the problem before people died. How many times are we guilty of jumping ahead of the Lord and His will? Without knowing for sure what his will is.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 02:16:21 +0000

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