There are those at the top of the campaigne for NO ON PROPOSITION - TopicsExpress


There are those at the top of the campaigne for NO ON PROPOSITION 2 that have the potential of loosing millions of dollars. DRUG DEALERS, pharmaceutical companies, funding for prisons that have people locked up for this plant, funding for law enforcement, and one of the biggest in Florida is those trying to get Florida to be a Gambling Resort and get voted in on the pretense of all the taxed income that would go to Florida. States like Colorado and Washington are bringing in big money and do not have financial problems. I dont know if what Florida gains in tax from Medical Marijuana but the PRO Gambling fear that it will be enough that when they put he big push to legalize gambling and the benefit or bribe or bait will be taxed money that could help us the need and desire wont be there. I think there is room for both. The 8th richest Man in the world and Casino owner is bank rolling the NO ON 2 campaign and it is being floated with lies. They say the amendment is written 2 broad and to many people will have access. not just terminally ill, those with Aids and Cancer and those in SEVERE PAIN . The medicine is for need and its benefits are far beyond pain and nausea control. example epilepsy, glaucoma, and it is found to now kill every cancer and even skin cancer the oil can be put on the top of the skin to kill cancer it doesnt need to be ingested.It is written in broad terms so a doctor can decide if it is the right choice. Its not for everyone but its more then for pain. I have been personally on hi amount of pain medication that could kill me (methadone) . I have almost died by taking other pain meds as directed. I have had close friend die off over dosing. You cannot overdose of marijuana. You might have a good time trying but it wont work. your better to take aspirin or tylonel. You have a better chance to die falling down the stairs or getting hit by lightning before this God given plant will help. No on 2 lies. They say it will be the new date rape Drug. I cant make nonsense up lies like that. It will be sold next to schools and churches when its subject to city Zoning and that wont happen any more then a liquor store. They say it will make drug dealing legal because you dont have to be a license to physically assist someone to take it if they cant take it for themselves like a care giver. They say a caregiver doesnt need to be licensed so a drug dealer can just call themselves a care giver and deal. N O !!!! it is legal to assist someone with a Dr. recommendation. Not just call yourself a caregiver and be able to give it to who you want. That person receiving has to have there own that has been obtained by recommendation. I hadnt had it in over 10 years. I cany afford to loose my kids or my pain medication . I need this proposition to go through. lately other things have been going on with my health that they have not diagnosed yet. God forbid cancer but what ever it is there is a lot of pain . If it is cancer I want marijuana to kill the cancer. Not be killed by radiation or chemotherapy. I need the whole plant not just the THC. I need the CBD that has no effect on the brain. There are other chemicals that are some of the best anti inflammatory known to man by juicing leaves. That does not make you feel ( HIGH). its anti inflammatory hat takes that doesnt mask the pain but takes away the cause.I know there are lots of good people that are against Proposition 2. Please vote for prop 2. There is a better then average chance Proposition 2 . We need every vote.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:28:51 +0000

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