There are three ideological ways the world today is being run. - TopicsExpress


There are three ideological ways the world today is being run. 1) A belief in a religion. A religion is a structure developed not by God, but by self righteous men using the word of god to enslave man. What you might read in the Koran or the Bible or the Torah, or the Mahabharata is knowledge, which when conveyed to the masses is distorted in such a manner that people believe that they are inferior to this creed who hold on to knowledge which becomes power. 2) A belief in Science. The reason i choose the word belief, is it represents an ideology. One that says man some how has the capacity to understand the universe in a such a manner that everything can be rationally accounted for. Again this creates the illusion that some men have knowledge which becomes power. The idea is a farce that a man, who works on limited vibrational frequencies, and see only within a certain constructs of those frequencies, is a super evolved creature with this life being all that there is. Both these states leave men in a state of ignorance, only to let go of our freedoms in favour of those few men, who convince the masses that they have the Power. Both these states leaves the human in a state of survival, which leaves us fighting within our reptilian brain (one closes to the upper neck region), and spend all our lives within the perceptional construct of a stressful, temporary existence, without having to experience the other parts of the brain, such as the Pineal Gland (center most part of the brain) and its infinite resourceful wisdom. Finally there is a third way. It has been given many names, from the enlightened one, to prophets, to sages, sufis, to heretics, yogis, derwaish, etc. It believing in neither. As Einstien wrote to a little girl who asked him whether men of science pray and believe in God, he replied writing Scientists believe that every occurrence, including the affairs of human beings, is due to the laws of nature.......But also, everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that some spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man.... As such the 3rd way is the spiritual way. Once we understand that we are spiritual beings have a human experience, we realize that body, like everything else in the world is a vibrational frequency, and like the universes energy can be controlled at its vortex points, humans energy too can be controlled from within its vortex points, usually referred to as Lataif in Arabic, or Chakras in Sanskrit, vortex centers in English, and ocean of energy in the realm of quantum physics.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:22:34 +0000

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