There are times that we as Christians will put ourselves into - TopicsExpress


There are times that we as Christians will put ourselves into situations that we know we shouldnt be in. Those situations that we know that if we dont get ourselves out of we will only be putting ourselves into a position to sin and fall short from the glory of God. Where we will fall victim to that evil temptation and will allow sin to enter our hearts and minds all because we choose to not control our emotions and our thoughts! That sin that is now wanting to give us and keep us in a spiritual death and into condemnation! That Spiritual death where we will feel as if God has left us and now are having to carry that shame, guilt, and regret! I declare this night that there is hope! For God is not far from where we cant find Him! He is there with us and will answer as we seek Him and reach out toward Him for in Him we live, and in Him we can move and have our being (Acts 17:27-28)! He will be there to lift us up as we cry out for Him from that bottomless pit we have put ourselves in and watch as He will raise us up so that we can have joy once again! He will strengthen us and restore us so that you can smile again for God did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power, courage, love, and of self discipline (2 Timothy 1:7)! We have been given the choice to decide for ourlseves between right and wrong and we have been given a Power through the Holy Spirit to do all things through Christ who gives us strength so that we can make the right decisions as we choose too! Capture those evil thoughts and make them obedient to Christ and replace that negativity with the sweet sound of the Presence of God through worship music or the Scriptures! Cry out for Him to rescue you and watch as He will lift you up and you will be able to have that joy of the Lord and you will be able to smile again. For I am convinced that NO life nor death nor angels nor demons neither the present nor the future nor any powers will be able to keep us from the love of God that is in our Savior Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38). So shake off that shame and regret and ask the Lord for help and watch as His Holy Spirit will lift you back up where you will be able to shout and sing with a renewed joy in Jesus Name!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 07:29:36 +0000

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