There are times when unity of national purpose and determination - TopicsExpress


There are times when unity of national purpose and determination to get a job done, leads one to willingly join the consensus with no reservations and await the outcome of this brutal conflict which – figuratively and literally – appears, this time, to be an obstinate fight to the death. The reality of todays world stage with widely-differing bloody conflagrations burning simultaneously on many fronts is a new reality for the major powers and the UN, the likes of which has not been experienced in modern times. Absurdly, America and Russia find themselves on opposing sides here, on the same side there. De facto, the situation allows each theater of war to proceed and play out to an eventual endgame with relatively minimal interference from the big guys, save for some political humming and hawing. Cynically – plenty of photo opportunities for CNN and the BBC. Repetitive media blah blah, ad nauseam. Will we succeed in breaking Hamas grip on the Gaza Strip? Can Hamas be completely uprooted, its military capability crushed, in order to pave the way for a new, forward-looking local leadership to take up the reins of power? Will the price paid in soldiers coffins be worth it? On the day after its all over, will we finally wake up and realize that hard decisions – from a position of strength as victors – will have to be made, in order, somehow, to find a modus vivendi with our neighbors?
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:46:22 +0000

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