There are times when women really wish that their husbands could - TopicsExpress


There are times when women really wish that their husbands could understand what is going on in their minds. Agreed, understanding women is not easy, but putting an effort to know them is always appreciated. Women love it when men understand them. So, read on to know what every woman wishes her man knew about her. 1. Remembering the special days Guys, there is no harm in remembering the special days and giving a special treatment to your lady love. They will simply love it, if you go an extra mile to make them feel special. Birthdays, anniversaries, or any other important date might not be a big deal for you but for women it definitely is. 2. Tag along for shopping It is a universal truth that women love to shop. No matter what the occasion is, shopping brings true happiness to a woman. And, what adds to this happiness is when her husband accompanies her. So, instead of avoiding your wife during her shopping spree, accompany her and help her. She is surely going to give you some brownie points once you two are back home after shopping. 3. Friends matter If your wife can gel well with your buddies, so why cant you For women, their friends are like a second family. Their opinion matters the most to them. So, respect her friends or at least try to be nice to them. 4. Be honest and dont lie No matter how many affairs you have had or how many misdeeds you have done in the past, just spill out all in front of your girl. They can tolerate and ignore anything but lie. Lying makes them feel that you do not trust them enough to tell the truth. 5. Be emotionally available Women want their husbands to be their emotional anchor, someone they can count on when they are wrecked emotionally. So, dont behave like you do not care about her and that she is going to be fine by herself. Listen, understand and be on her side, just the way she does when you are in trouble. 6. Be fair and square Rules should be applicable to all and sundry. If you do not want your girl to talk to someone or do not want them to hang out with someone in particular, then apply the same rule on yourself too. An unbiased attitude is the key to a happy relationship 7. Cuddle when not making love As much as girls love getting intimate, they also love cuddling and pampering. It shows that you truly love her and are happy with her. This is their emotional way of connecting with you. So, love her not only while getting intimate, but at other times as well. 8. Improve your sense of humour If you have a good sense of humour then you are on a roll. Girls love when guys are humorous. And if you are not, memorise a few jokes and say it when the timing is right. Make her laugh, and thus sweep her off her feet. 9. Improve your sense of humour If you have a good sense of humour then you are on a roll. Girls love when guys are humorous. And if you are not, memorise a few jokes and say it when the timing is right. Make her laugh, and thus sweep her off her feet. 10. Be a helping hand Women may not always ask for favours or help, but they always wish if you could lend them a helping hand. Be it household chores, or any other activity, make them feel that you are always there for them. Women think it leads to a better bonding, and they can depend on you for anything. 11. Appreciate her efforts Saying few good things about your lady love will do no harm to you, but will in fact boost their confidence and will make them happy. Many men criticise their women if they commit a mistake, but they fail to appreciate them over good work. So, when they dress up for you, plan a surprise, buy you gifts or make your favourite dish, praise them. You will definitely see a sparkle in their eyes. 12. Never call her dramatic Women hate it when their men call them dramatic or crazy. They do overreact on certain issues, but it is because they are concerned about it. So, instead of accusing women of being dramatic, understand them and solve their problem if possible. 13. Dress up but dont overdo it Girls love to see their guys all dressed up and looking smart, but anything over the top is a big turn off for them. Never flex your muscles, wear too tight shirts, or too low waist pants. Skin show is never appreciated; leave it for your girl. Now, since you know what all goes in a girls mind, woo her, keep her happy, and be her dream man. AM I WRONG?
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:27:36 +0000

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