There are too many innocent people around the world dying at the - TopicsExpress


There are too many innocent people around the world dying at the hands of merciless, power-drunk leaders and extremists. The world weeps for Gaza, but what about Syria where over 100,000 people have been murdered at the hands of the Assad regime? Who weeps for them? Who weeps for the thousands of innocent women and children who have been brutally tormented and slaughtered over the past year in the Central African Republic? Who cries out for justice for the millions of starved and enslaved North Koreans who have been shut out from the world by a vile, sub-human, totalitarian dynasty? This endless violence and slaughter is a malignant stain on the fabric of humanity. My heart aches for all of the suffering and needless loss of life. How fortunate for those of us who can simply turn off the TV or scroll past the images on our computer screens without ever having to experience the terror or suffering. How fortunate for those of us who can close our eyes at night without fearing for our lives, without wondering if our home will still be standing in the morning. We in America toss around words like dictator and tyranny without even beginning to understand the magnitude of their true meaning. When you take a look at what others in the world are facing each and every day, our political complaints seem petulant at best. Be thankful for your freedom, be thankful for your safety, but dont ever forget those who will never know the meaning of peace.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 07:58:43 +0000

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