There are two categories of politicians in Nigeria these days - TopicsExpress


There are two categories of politicians in Nigeria these days . Field Politicians and Facebook Politicians. The field politicians (minority are on facebook) can be regarded as practical politicians. They are registered member of various political parties,attend weekly political meetings and as a matter of fact politicking is their Job. Most of them are either leaders of respective political parties in their wards, Local government areas or states. They are the majority voters, they are the ones politicians uses for house to house campaigns, in actual fact most of them are seen at Campaign rallies,many have lost their lives during rallies and campaigns.In short, they constitute a huge percentage of the voting citizens. Majority of them have voters card and have being voting for a very long time and transfer politics from generations to generations. Once you have their strong support you are assured victory of at the polls. Offcourse many of them are categorized as the masses. Facebook Politicians are mostly vague politicians, they are virtual politicians, many of them are on social media(facebook). They have the ideal solution to the Nigerian problems, they analyze and give practicable ideas which can really turn things around BUT, they dont attend campaign rallies, they dont attend political meetings, they have primary Jobs aside being arm chair pundits on Facebook. They despise practical politics because its a dirty game. They cant queue inside the scourging sun to have their PVC, Majority of them arent on ground voters. Most of them are in the disapora, hence they are minority voter(s). If you have their support, you are assured of loosing any election(You can ask fayemi). Now the problem is the field politicians are knowing to making wrong decisions, most of them have no livelihood than politics. Hence they wait for politicians to give them returns. They claim its the fruit of their labor. Any politician that gives back in cash has given dividends of democracy. any politician that gives them contracts, has done well. Any politician that dug boreholes in-front of their house(s) is going to be re-elected. Any politician that comes home regularly for meetings is assured of their votes again. Most of them cant see the real issues because they have being blinded by poverty!. Lets all imagine how our democracy will look like, if we have an integration of ideas by the Facebook politicians with the zeal and work ethics of field politicians. Imagine Facebook politicians at every ward meeting, or Local government meeting. Imagine Facebook politicians at every campaign and rallies side by side with field politicians. Imagine the integration of efforts and ideas?.. Imagine how Nigeria would have grown?. Facebook Politicians, We(Field politicians) need you on the field.!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:38:39 +0000

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