There are two completely different Christian tracks on human - TopicsExpress


There are two completely different Christian tracks on human nature: A) that human beings are inherently good, but damaged beyond our own capacity for repair, with that damage causing repeated error despite our sincere desire to do good, and Jesus comes to heal us of that damage. Or B) that human beings are inherently depraved little orcs, and Jesus comes to whip us in line despite our universal preference for selfishness, sloth, and sadism. On the surface both seem to be saying the same thing: Human beings are sinners who need saved, and Jesus provides the saving. However, the states of mind that they produce, the lifestyles that they engender, and the fruit that they bear, are diametrically opposed. The former inclines us to love, forebearance, and patience with our fellow human beings, recognizing their most distressing flaws as symptoms of a universal affliction that were all struggling to survive. The more we love God, in this approach, the more we fall in love with our fellow human beings. Cooperative behavior comes naturally, trusting that everybody means well, and its easy to see the good in people outside our own congregation. Self-esteem and self-respect come with this spiritual view, and a delight in satisfying a deep yearning to be a better person. The latter inclines one to disgust with everything human, and the more one loves God, the more repulsive humanity seems. God seems crazy to even bother to save us, but hey, we selfish beings arent about to pass up a chance to exploit the ol whackos lapse. If he dictates charity well do it, grudgingly, humoring his madness so that he wont throw us in Hell, but well wriggle out of it if we can. Meanwhile, we fear our neighbors, expect betrayal and cruelty, and act with suspicion and competitiveness with everybody outside ou congregation, because you just cant trust people that you dont know for sure are saved. We loathe ourselves; nor do we expect much of ourselves unless we focus obsessively on Jesus alone, afraid that any books, art, music, films, or games that dont overtly direct our thoughts back towards God will lead us astray. Which life gives more glory to God?
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:20:05 +0000

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