There are two forms of masculinity. The first is an earthly - TopicsExpress


There are two forms of masculinity. The first is an earthly masculinity. This kind of masculinity is the one that society endorses. It’s not hard to learn this kind of masculinity as it’s taught by most humans. This masculinity is seen in all streams of media, school and even church. This type of male can be a womanizer, cheater, jealous or selfish and easily given to anger. The earthly masculine is still asleep to the world of the divine. He can’t trust the universe for he is an unspiritual being. This lack of trust pushes him to control the people and circumstances around him. Since he doesn’t understand presence, he is never present in any of his relationships. He looks for love but doesn’t love himself so when he finds anything close to love, he subconsciously sabotages it because he doesn’t feel worthy. He fears commitment because he always feels like there will be someone better out there. There is little satisfaction and nothing is sacred. Unfortunately, unless you were born into a truly spiritual family, most of us men were raised to have an earthly masculinity but thank god for the Great Spirit and Divine Masculinity. Divine Masculinity is the masculine energy channeled through love. It is a spiritual force that comes through ones spiritual awakening and is not only for men. Men and women should have a balance of divine masculine and feminine to achieve spiritual balance. The energy of the divine masculine embraces the energies of a king, warrior, priest and lover. A man that is aligned with Masculine Divinity is also grounded with Gaia and understands his connection with everything. His love for his mother and everything living in it produces a natural unconditional love to all beings. His passion for humanity pushes him to fight as a warrior. His love for his brothers and sisters is so real that he is willing to lay down his life for them. He is not afraid to speak out against the injustices of the world and will fight them with his last breath. As a priest, he can see the needs of the people and will offer up prayers and meditations on their behalf. Love and healing are made manifest with his presence. His words and touches are sacred and majestic. They speak to the mind, body and soul. He’s a true romantic with the person that he deems trustworthy and he will love fully without restraints. His love for his partner is pure and is always thinking of ways to make her happy. When he meets his lover, he will love her into ecstasy. Out of all the Divine Masculine energies, the most important is the energy of the priest for it is the bridge to all of Divinity. A man that embraces the Masculine Divinity is in touch with source. He is not only enlightened but is covered with grace. He is not afraid to be in touch with the Divine Feminine, in fact he embraces it. Much love to all my brothers and sisters
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 21:54:28 +0000

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