There are two kinds of Fighters in our rift valley backyard . - TopicsExpress


There are two kinds of Fighters in our rift valley backyard . There are Fighters who are in CORD because they believe in the cause of economic freedom and equal kenya , and there are fighters who are in JUBILEE because of Hon RUTO. Below are the differences between these two groups of fighters: 1.CORD Freedom Fighters: Their enemy is monopoly capital tribalism in every sector nepotsim as to your second name etc . RUTO / URP freedom Fighters: Their enemy is RAILA ODINGA PERIOD . 2. CORD Freedom Fighters: They can articulate policy. RUTO/URP freedom Fighters: They can articulate insults left right ngetet and all manner of abuses . 3. CORD Freedom Fighters: They are preoccupied with capacitating themselves. They are avid readers who have a hunger for knowledge. RUTO/URP Freedom Fighters: They are philistines who are anti-intellectualism and anti-knowledge. They know 2 or 3 mastered quotes and will throw them at you no matter what the context is. 4. CORD Freedom Fighters: When someone criticises ODM ,they engage that person with respecT and show him or her why cord is against tribalism and why its for devolulution RUTO/URP Freedom Fighters: When someone criticises URP , they swear at them and call them all kinds of names ngetet malaya koinange etc . 5. CORD Freedom Fighters: They believe that an attack on the working class is an attack on the revolution and those who will inform them what is going on deep inside gover . RUTO/URP Freedom Fighters: They believe that an attack on the persona of Hon. RUTO is an attack on the revolution and freedom of kalenjins. 6. CORD Freedom Fighters: They understand that while there are some bourgeois nationalists leading the JUBILE coalition there millions of working class people who support JUBiLE but they press on on equity to all tribes not few two communities RUTO.URP Freedom Fighters: They call all CORD members capitalists , USELESS and thieves, forgetting that it is the poor who support the coalition the OWNERS OF URP ARE INTERESTED WITH GOVERNMENT TENDERS AND WHICH IS FAT ONE WHILE THE POOR BELIEVE ITS OURS IN SECOND COMMAND . 7. CORD Freedom Fighters: They are against all forms of divisions amongst kenyans, from one sided employments to sacking of names that doesnt sound in jubilee support base like wanyama omondi musyka momanyi rashid mwanaisha mwakasi etc . RUTO.URP Freedom Fighters: They champion the fragmentation of kenyans by arguing that those who are not with them are against them to hell with cord and luos as if cord is luos only . 8. CORD Freedom Fighters: They are servants of kenya s cause. If they are to protest, it will be against multinationals and regressive institutions LIKE YESTERDAY DEMO THEY WENT UHURU PARK UNTIL PROVOKED OTHERWISE PEACEFUL THEY PROTEST . RUTO/URP Freedom Fighters: They will even take human life burn churches and circumcise forcefully , silently they protest but spontaneous they never ever forgive but they assume waiting a trigger sometimes all protest within their hearts and backyards and even at courts when Hon . RUTO is appearing for charges that have nothing to do with Kenyas cause. 9. CORD Freedom Fighters: They will defend principle at all costs MOST OF THEM ARE SECRETARY GENERAL IN VARIOUS TRADE UNIONS THEY NEVER KEEP SILENT ON DISCRIMINATION SHIDA WAKO TOO PROUD . RUTO Freedom Fighters: They will defend lack of principle if it is to the benefit of Hon. RUTO From land cases to humanity cases to eviction cases of muteshi etc which benefits nobody . 10. CORD Freedom Fighters: They question reactionary things without fear, whether such things are done or said by Hon Raila. RUTO Freedom Fighters: They agree to reactionary things without shame, as long as it is RUTO who does or says them best example demotion of rugut that is now called transfer cox Ruto said its transfer. 11. CORD Freedom Fighters: They are in CORD because they believe in economic freedom equal kenya tribeless kenya . Ruto Freedom Fighters: They are in the JUBILEEbecause they like Hon RUTO nyiganet rebarator etc as they call him they believe in tyrany of numbers they care nothing about other tribes whether they get job or not . The tragedy is that in the current political milieu, RBK *RESTORE AND BUILD KENYA is in fact stronger than JUBILEE....infact jubilee is more of kikuyu kalenjin union , the cord can be felt from lamu to mombasa to kisumu to busia to kakamega to kisii to bungoma to nakuru to mandera tho those communities are few in numbers but they have a home in cord than jubilee . There are more fighters who would kill for Hon RUTO than there are those who would die for the economic emancipation of the kenyan child AND all tribes . There are more fighters who would insult you from Nairobi to bomet to eldoret than those who would convince you why nationalisation of key sectors of the economy is critical for moving this country from a welfare state to a developmental one they care nothing at all other than tyran of numbers .
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 10:26:54 +0000

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