There are two main reasons for all this racial tension, violence, - TopicsExpress


There are two main reasons for all this racial tension, violence, cop bashing and killing.. First and foremost, THE MEDIA. At least 95% of all media is responsible for promoting, sensationalizing, steering and biasedly reporting this garbage day after day, week after week 24/7. The relentless coverage of events, that had they just given them brief coverage, would have fizzled out and dissipated. But their, ever-growing, hunger has fueled an apocalypse type atmosphere across this country all for the sake of news competition, ratings and ridicules journalism awards. There no longer is the brief, informational segmented nightly news, but relentless, over-blown, in-depth, unnecessary, ultra-fine, details and provocation of interviews filled with hatred and division of classes and races that we now must endure. Todays news is total sensationalism or nothing and the societal repercussions are unimportant. The media has become sadistic, cruel and uncaring; promoting and producing nothing but seeds of evil for personal gain. The second responsibility for our current apocalyptic atmosphere, lies on the shoulders of our political leaders. From the President (who regularly promotes his 50% African American heritage and shuns his 50% Caucasian DNA) on down to the most minor leaders of our country, cities and towns that all have a responsibility to act as referees between the good and evil of society. They have an obligation to create an atmosphere of peace, cooperation and positive productivity, not siding with hatred and violence; promoting their own agendas, but promoting and cultivating the good morals and advancement of all citizens they represent. Our leaders have, so far, failed and shunned their elected and moral responsibilities and need to reverse the direction of this country, quickly, if we want to avoid total ciaos and destruction of the lives we once lived in the not-so-distant past. There is no reason for what has been happening to this country except for weak leadership and overzealous news organizations selfishly promoting their own agendas; coddling those of expected government entitlements and ignoring the voices of the majority of people that make up this great nation.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:28:25 +0000

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