There are two major ONLINE CULTS that are sucking in Christians - TopicsExpress


There are two major ONLINE CULTS that are sucking in Christians like a devils whirlwind, in these very last days. This is, no doubt, by spiritual design to keep those who would enter the Kingdom of Heaven from entering. The Hebraic Roots (aka Sacred Name) cult Post trib/replacement theology/anti-zionism cult Cults are involved in mind control, which is WITCHCRAFT! We have entered an age where, not only is the TV mind control, but satans kingdom has spread its net on the internet to snag those who can easily be spoon fed lies. They are dangerous because they will take one or two scriptures way out of context and drag their victims under. The internet is a wonderful place for lonely people and thus, a powerful place for cult work to take place. Ive watch people get entrapped by cult doctrine and it never fails, when you attempt to go in and pull them out, two or more cult members jump in and attack and, at the same time, LIFT UP the person being deceived by defending, praising and being there for them. Very powerful stuff. Jim Staley of Passion for Truth Ministries is a prime example of the online Hebraic Cult (along with Steve Anderson). It is not surprising that both these online teachers are POST-TRIBBERS because they spiritually see themselves going through the tribulation - the gate of heaven being shut to them. It is also not surprising that these two hold to the vaticans demonic replacement theology. Staley was recently arrested for scamming (FRAUD - approx $570,000.00) investors out of money. When watching his explanatory video to his followers, he makes himself out to be the victim; persecuted by the devil. The sad part about it is, PEOPLE STILL FALL FOR HIM. Steve Anderson was arrested at a border patrol stop because he failed to yield to the powers placed over him (imagine Paul doing this in Rome?). Anderson was beaten and tazzered, which only helped lure in more followers via his victim game. Anderson is a hate preacher, publicly calling for the killing of all gays - which points his viewers to an ISLAMIC spirit. He claims he doesnt hate Jews, but his online video sermons expose this lie. He is a far cry from the guidelines Paul gave to church on how a Bishop, Deacon or teacher should handle himself. In fact, he purposely seeks to project a negative imagine of the Christian church to the world. usatoday/story/news/nation/2014/12/04/pastor-calls-for-killing-gays-to-end-aids/19929973/ But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in (Matthew 23:13) Strive to enter in at the strait gate : for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 10:26:25 +0000

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