There are unscrupulous people who will be accountable to God for - TopicsExpress


There are unscrupulous people who will be accountable to God for their actions. Periodically I must tell everyone that if they are contacted privately by a member of our group asking for money, please report that to me or another administrator immediately. That is specifically against our rules. These people are deceptive and join large groups to try to scam the most amount of people. Christian groups are specifically targeted because we are the most caring and generous group on the planet. I am giving an example one of our members received today. The issue is, some of these scammers are not even good at scamming. Here is that message: EMERGENCY!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!! Sat. Nov. 1, 2014 6:47 am CST ********************************** Dear XXXXXXXX (Name withheld), I have investigated all the normal societal avenues for help including Social Services, Churches in my area, etc. etc. etc. and have not received any help. Frequently, Im not helped because I dont have a child. If I bore a child out of wedlock in sin against God, I would have no problems surviving. I had an interview recently for a job, and was even dressed and ready to leave to go to it, when I received a message from the male manager that he decided to cancel the interview and wasnt going to hire for that position at this time. I just need more time to get a job, any job to pay for my survival needs. I have had a lot of painful things happen to me since I got here. One of which is that I went to a very large church that had an event to help those in need with food and clothing. I attended and asked 3 men who were helping the church with the event whom I believed to be Christian men to watch my box of food and clothing that I received. I asked one of them to carry it to my car, because I have a bad back and it was too heavy for me to carry that distance and they all said no. They said leave it here and well watch it. After leaving the church, when I uncovered the clothing on the top, I found that my food was STOLEN. I was in tears, it hurt my heart that this world is so wicked that I couldnt even go to a church needing help and was victimized. I will say that as a result of my tears and trauma, I met a stranger who was in the area when I was crying and I was able to share the good news of JESUS with them. I realized later that the Lord used all things together for good for those who love Him and who are called according to His purposes. If I hadnt been victimized / traumatized, I wouldnt have been crying, and I wouldnt have gotten the attention of the stranger who I was able to share the Gospel with. His salvation is more important than my pain & suffering, and knowing that filled my heart with joy instead. I DESPERATELY need help! Im a Domestic Violence Victim / Survivor and have had to live in a Hotel. Ive had recent heart attacks & strokes, though had initial damage, seem to not have permanent damage. I had another heart attack and severe stroke a few days before I arrived here. It even affected my hearing. The Lord has helped get me through it to be able to recover from its original impact. As I said I dont believe I have permanent damage. The Hotel just told me they will EVICT me if I dont pay them for my room which is the least expensive in the area at $40.50 per night. I havent been able to pay since Oct. 20th. They said they will EVICT me and I would be LITERALLY HOMELESS with nowhere to go, if I dont pay by this Sunday, November 2, 2014. That would be exactly 2 weeks or 14 days that I need to pay for. $40.50 X 14 = $567 Could you please help me pay for it by sending me money through Western Union to XXXXXXX, Indiana to Carole XXXXX XXXXXX? I would then just need the amount, and confirmation number, and the answer to the security question that you create for me to get the funds. I would then just have to show my drivers license and give the information to get the funds. I wouldnt even ask for this help if I didnt DESPERATELY need it!!!!!!!!!!!! I have fasted and prayed crying out to the Lord God, the Great I Am, for Him to answer my prayer to provide for my most basic survival need. Whatever amount you could send would add up to the $567 that I need not to be HOMELESS!!! PLEASE RESPOND BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!! With Sincerest Thanks & Love!!! your friend & Sister in Christ, who desires to be counted worthy to be part of the Bride of Christ, (Scammers Name Withheld) Chat Conversation End
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 19:43:01 +0000

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