There are women literally shaking with fear because they are - TopicsExpress


There are women literally shaking with fear because they are posting on Twitter under the hashtag #YesAllWomen, because they are worried about backlash, worried about response, worried what people in their lives might say, worried that men will come after them on Social Media...and STILL there are men (and some women, sadly) who proclaim Not All Men!, who hashtag YesAllPeople in response, who answer, Its just as bad for men, you know. How oblivious to irony are you? The hashtag is specifically to counter Not All Men. Yes--we know. Not all men are bad. Not all men endanger womens safety or their lives. But? ALL WOMEN. All women live in fear of men. Thats the point of the hashtag, you selfish, self-centred, pedantic myopic moron. Your mere moments of hurt ego do not compare to an entire life lived with fear.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 23:07:57 +0000

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