There comes a time in the history of nations that ignites the - TopicsExpress


There comes a time in the history of nations that ignites the powder key of history & drives ppl to dismantle the edifice of power structure turning on tyranny injustice & brutal force.the force of such event is so intense that it moves the ppl to forward towards their destiny & kashmir the event of 13th july came to oppressed ppl of jammu & kashmir who rose en mass against the oppressors and changed the course of history. Where the ppl organize to launch a decisive battle for their rights and freedom.this huge mass of ppl was highly surcharged by emotions.there were heart rending scenes of inspirational & devotional. A young man abdul qadeer khan emerged the masses & made an emotional firry speech that swayed the ppl ignited the fire of passion n freedom.qadeer was arrested on 13th july 1931.when the news of his arrest was spread the situation becomes horrific it created panic situation.when ppl heard that he is being produced before sesssion judge they thronged the court premises n lined up to kiss his hand n clothes rulers(dogras) sensed troublness so the venue of trail was change to central jail.this added more fuel to the prevail situation they did not allow the ppl inside jail contingents are deployed heavily outside they opened the fire and slayed innocent masses.this time & ongoing still kashmir fight for their freedom.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 13:54:57 +0000

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