There go the corporations again! Influencing our government, from - TopicsExpress


There go the corporations again! Influencing our government, from behind the White House walls, like the "great wizard" behind the curtain.. If only this were, just a movie, but it`s flesh & blood human lives they`re playing with.... Corporations see our planet, the insects, animals, & human life on it, as a means to an end.. A commodity, to be used to turn a profit, and if that can`t be achieved naturally, they aren`t above manipulating & modifying it until it fits into place.. Which brings me to what congress has been up to most recently.. The Republicans separated the Farm Bill from the food stamp Bill. On the surface that doesn`t sound ominous. But hearing about this bothered me, & I couldn`t put my finger on why.. Then "separated" was no longer a word & became visual, and I realized it was a strategy!.. Like what a pack of wolves does to it`s prey, eliminate opposition, designed to weaken your opponent.. I believe Monsanto is behind the decision & can NOW just sit back & WAIT until the farmers are EASY prey.. Biding their time until the farm Bill doesn`t pass, then they`ll swoop in like vultures, buying up all the bankrupted farmers land, like a monopoly game... I believe this because Monsanto has been suing farmers when ever THEIR GMO seeds start growing on the farmers land.. Something to do with copyright laws?!..Was THAT the reason for genetically modifying their seeds in the first place??! Or was that for an even more sinister plan my brain can`t even comprehend??They`ve already bought up 90% of all the seed companies... They really aren`t being very mysterious about what their planning, so it makes me wonder is it really that simple??.... It is obviously a tactic to drive farmer`s into bankruptcy, so Monsanto will have control of the food market ... Too many moves they are making are calculated with an obvious "end game" in sight to just be random big business ONLY.. It`s just that post`s like this one...Which out lines how they are circumventing laws that are specifically giving THEM a free ride & literally a "get out of jail free" pass.. It goes beyond suspicious, it is further PROOF we can not trust our government to protect us any more.. We the people of The United States Of America. It`s us verses them..AMERICAN CITIZENS or corporations...
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 21:27:54 +0000

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