There has been debate amongst Zimbabweans, with special refrence - TopicsExpress


There has been debate amongst Zimbabweans, with special refrence to my colleagues from the opposition and civil society on who is better Mujuru or Mnangagwa in the race to succceed President Mugabe. I find this rather strange, we shouldnt be wasting time comparing who is better, both belong To zanu pf, they have been part of a corrupt dictatorship that has ruined this country. Mnangagwas vast business empire was obviously acquired through unscruplous activities, not to mention Joice whose late husband used his military influence to build his vast wealth. MHSRIP. My point here is that we should look beyond these two and their party Zanu pf. We should define a new narrative rather than wasting time sympathising with either of the two. Are we that desperate to even say we prefer Joice than Mnangagwa or vice versa? Zimbabwe deserves better leaders and definately not the two or anyone from Zanu pf
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:02:05 +0000

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